Chapter 26 - Marwah?

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"Yes, I'm moving tomorrow. Just wanted to let you guys know." Allen eyes widen looking at him.
"And you are telling me now? What the heck dude?" Allen said standing up.

Noah was sitting down in the living of Allen and Gicel house, he wanted to tell them his decision.

"Noah you're leaving for Dubai?" Gicel said with a sad expression. John who was sitting on his mother's lap looked up to Noah.

"No-no you're leaving me?" He said getting off Gicel lap and walking to Noah and sitting on his lap hugging.

Noah wrapped his arms around him and kissed his head. Noah nods.

"Yes, I know it's all a sudden, but I want this. My heart wants to go to that place."

"I know it's far. But you guys can visit me, and I will visit you guys after all you're my family too.!" Noah said standing up and walking to Allen with John in his arms.

"Allen please don't be sad about me." "I can't stop you and I won't stop you. Do what makes you happy. I want you to relax for a while." Allen said.

Noah hugged him. "No-no" John said crying.

Noah kissed his tears away. "I will call you; I will visit you baby—-okay." Gicel took John in her arms tapping his back gently.

"John love, we will visit no-no okay." He finally nods, yawning.

"I will put him to sleep." Saying this Gicel walked away with John.

Noah hugged Allen "Allen I want to thank you." Noah said pulling back.

"You were with me always. Always there when I call you. I'm grateful to have someone like you. A best-friend, Business partner and a brother" "do not make me emotional.!"

Noah tapped his shoulder gently. "Oh, and don't worry I have transferred my office work to Dubai I will be working from there. And we will meet again"

Allen nods "Noah take care of yourself. Know that I am always here for you."


Two months had passed living in Dubai, he loved already. Everything was the same, but now he prayed at least he tried to, he would go to the mosque most of times listen to the Imam and pray behind the Imam. And give charity.

His focus was on God, learning words like Mashallah, Subhan Allah and more.
But there was one word he hated because it will and always made him remember her.

It was the word inshallah, he would remember her using that word.

Noah would usually go to the mosque when no one was really Present, one of the reasons is he hated seeing women in hijab. His heart beat would increase, thinking that she could be them. But when they turned around it was not her.

Memory is a punishment sometimes.

He would come to the mosque and head to the men section and sit in one corner. He still did not know how to read the Quran in Arabic, but he was not giving up, he had hired himself a Quran teacher to teach him.

And his dad was upset with him. Noah knew, he was not happy a little about Noah moving to Dubai. He would only call him about business and that is it.
He clearly told Noah that if he accepted his proposal of marrying Ashley, then he would Welcome him and not be upset with him.

Noah did not argue with him and left him.

And yes, he did not visit Allen nor did Allen or his family visit Noah. They were super busy since Noah moved and everything had to be adjusted.

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