Chapter 28 -we meet again.

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Early update today :)



Noah takes a seat on the edge of the bed and takes a deep breath. Allen bit his nails in nervousness. He finally looks up to Noah, "Explain this to me! Allen what is this?" Noah question calmly looking from the phone to him.

I nod "Look I was about to tell you but-" Noah stands up facing Allen "Allen please don't tell me you betrayed me." Allen shakes his head. "No - no how can I?" "Last time I'm warning you. Explain to me before I assume something else."

"This-This is her phone. Marwah's phone." Noah touches his heart, as he mentions her. "You remember the day when john was hurt, we had to take him to the hospital. When we got there, I found her, she was the doctor who checked my son. Yes, she's a doctor in pediatrics." "And you didn't even dare to tell me.?" "Please wait listen to me" "It's not like I let her ago, I sent men after her and we found out where she lives. I met her again and I questioned her! regarding why she left you, why she broke your heart. Allen Everything Nathaly told us was correct." "Enough" Noah said, taking her phone in his hand.

"Take me to her. Allen" Noah sounded so desperate holding Allen's shoulders. Allen shakes his head. "Listen to me Noah, at least not now. she's not okay how about tomorrow?" "What- what do you mean she's not okay?" Allen steps back shaking his head.

"Noah did you trust your brother?!" Noah wiped his tears and nodded like a baby. "I will take you tomorrow please wait. I Really need to look in this matter." "What if she ran away again, what if you don't find her for me?"


"Ben, are you listening to me?" Logan said looking at his guard.

"So, you are saying? that your kind —of regret what you did to your son?" logan nods looking down in guilt. Ben laughs shaking his head. "You regret it after so many years now? Did you forget his cries, his sufferings? day and night he looked for her. You are his dad; did you not understand his pain? he would cry in your arms telling you to bring her to him?" logan gets up touching his head. "Stop it Ben, don't make my guilt any worser?"

"Did you know? He never touched or even glanced at any women. He had nothing but pure love for her. I warned you at the beginning that your son was changing for the better. He put a lot of effort into his work; I'm not sure what was going through your mind when you decided to hurt him. What's funny to me is that even though he was on the verge of passing away that day, you chose not to tell him the truth or bring her to him."

"BEN, I SAID SHUT UP DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" logan shouted at him, he picked his files which was laying in front of him and throw them in the ground.

"It's the truth!" ben added looking at him. Ben then bent down and started picking up the papers, as he was done and looked at the paper in his hands.

It was a hospital report and it had logan Jackson name on it. Ben was confused and quickly read the paper, his eyes widened reading it again and looked up at logan.

"Sir-" ben walked closer to him. "You have cancer?!"


Next day

"Ma'am are you sure? you want me to take off today again?" Salma asks Layal, "But mom is you sure?" Marwah asks to fix her hijab and turns to face them. Salma is the maid Marwah had hired her to help Layla with cleaning and cooking all the chores.

"Yes, Salma you go on." Marwah looks at her mom confused, Salma nods agreeing "Salma you should be getting your salary by evening, okay?" She nodded saying bye and left.

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