Chapter 29.

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"You went to visit her right?" Allen said with worried expression following Noah to his room. "Noah i am asking you something?" Noah enter his room slowly sitting on his bed. "I knew exactly what she said." Allen added.

"She says i have no place for you in my heart. She told me this. Allen, But her eyes were saying something else." Noah said touching his head.

"I'm so confused. Nothing is making sense right now.--Does she have anyone in her life?" "No, as far i know. She has changed so much. I don't know what to tell you. But she is not worth your love. She is not coming back to your life noah. You need to understand this." Noah gets up from his bed shaking his head while smiling.

"What are you planning now?" "I will not leave her just like this. She says i forced her right? Well, i will show her what force means. What is it meaning of forcing someone to be with you. I Will make her mine weather she likes it or not."

Allen just stood there lost of words, before he could say anything he heard Noah saying "Nothing can change my mind not even you." with that Noah walk in to the restroom.

"Oh god, what should i do now? This is not good. Plus i need to leave tomorrow with john.--But he's noah i can't stop him. She clearly deserves every pain" "Dad" he heard john calling.

Sighing Allen walk out of the room.


She touched her hair as she regarded her reflection in the mirror. She smiles as she recalls how Layal took her to the salon a few months prior and instructed her that she needed to dye her hair in order to lift her mood. So Marwah finally give in, and dye her hair dark blond.

Just as she was slowly moving on in her life, he appear back in her life again.

he looked different. his hair was different, a little longer. He had let his beard grow. she getting flashbacks of his face. His handsome face.

No more thoughts about him. Forget him.

Marwah heard some nosies from downstairs she smile as she knew it was her mother.

She walkdownstairs smiling as her mom was standing putting her purse on the table.

"Asalam Alaikum" Marwah said smiling. "Wa Alaikum salam My beautiful daugher" Layla kissed her cheek.

Layla motioned for her to join her as she taped on the sofa while sitting down, saying, "Come here." Marwah sits while nodding. "How did work go?" Marwah nods. "I'm off tomorrow as well, and it was fine." "That's good. Well i bumped in to a old friend and we talk catching up on our conversations. You know her too, her name is Mena Hakim She had invited us to her house a few years back remember?!"

Marwah nods "Yes, she was really sweet. I remember her. She moved to Pakistan, didn't she?" "Well, she returned here because of her son's business, and, oh yeah coincidentally his son Abbas was with her." she said. Marwah looked away since she understood why Layal was telling her this.

"Marwah" "hm" she turn to her mom. "I did mention to her mom about you, she immediately said yes from her side. And we want you guys to meet up. Talk to him, get to know him. And hey---hey if you want to reject him i have no problem at all i won't be upset with you. But give it a try please."

Marwah looks down holding her mothers hand.

"You think i didn't notice you. Since we arrived in this country after leaving America. Studying was all you did, day and night. You socialized less and only went out when I took you. I am aware of your intense love for Noah. You never shown interest in any guys, and you didn't even have crushes. You worked incredibly hard and just look at you now; you are a pediatrician at the age of 21. And i am so proud of my daughter, i am sure if your dad was here he would be so proud of you my jaan"

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