Chapter 25

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Putting the Quran translation down Noah stood up from his bed.

He heard the thunders loudly it was about to rain. He walk towards his balcony which he loves. The wind was messing with his hair, he smile sadly.

He look up at the sky.

'Call upon me, and I will answer you'

"Are you listening to me God? Your book says 'call upon me and you will answer me.' Today I call upon you to guide me, guide my heart toward you. I want to be closer to you. I want to know my creator. Today i have finish reading the Quran. The girl i loved worshiped you, praise you five times a day. i wanted to know you and complain to you, as the Quran says you know what is in our hearts, before we even speak it out. you know everything. You alone is to be worshipped'' for the first time in months his tears left his eyes.

"i don't want anything else, as now i realized i want to know my creator. you hear me —this heart in pain, i feel so lost. oh god, today i am complaining about her, i wont forgive her. please take her thoughts out of my mind, fill your love in my heart. —everyone left me, there is no hope. but i am here standing calling upon you. i know you hear-----you see everything. I hope to never see her again god, i don't want her. because if i see her, i would kill her or myself. —-I want Peace oh god, for how long am i going to suffer like this? i can't take it anymore. Have mercy upon me." he breath in and sat down "show me—-a light to you. i am surrounded by dark, please i beg you to take it easy on my heart, Lord i'm sinner from the start but now i'm wishing that you'd forgive me."

He's been out of peace for three years. He would get up in the morning, take a shower, skip breakfast, and head to his own office. Every day Logan would yell at Noah to eat breakfast, but the next day Logan gave up.

he would be so busy that he even skips lunch and when Allen comes and force him to have dinner. Then he Would have no other choice but to eat, everyone noticed he had lost weight.

No one mention her name.

No one dare to.


one week later

When he arrived at Dubai International Airport, his guards swiftly assisted and carried his luggage. The driver hands him the car key. When Noah orders him to do so. Noah turn to his guards and his assistant "No one will follow me alright?!" he said it Strictly and glare at everyone.

"but sir-" his assistance was shut when he look at noah who was fuming throwing his glare at him

About 14 mintues in driving. He look around "Where am i going?" he took his phone to see it wouldn't turn on.

"Great!" He said sarcastically. He never wanted to come here but he did for a meeting, because Allen wanted to stay with his family and his kid. Which basically Allen forced him then begged him innocently.

"FUCK!" Noah curse and hit his car tire with his leg. "Ouch!" he wined in pain. He heard a laughter which made him more angry, he turn around with a sharp glare who dare to laugh at Noah Jackson.

there stood a 5 years old boy, brown hair, brown eyes. when the little boy eyes connected to Noah's, which made the little boy laugh more.

Noah walk towards the little boy. "What's funny?!"
"You" the little boy reply laughing and ran.

"Come here now I am not done talking." Noah shouted running after him.

The little boy ran to his father and quickly hide in his chest giggling.

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