Chapter 21 -Where is she?

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After taking a shower, he dried his hair and dressed.
Coming back to his room, he sat down on the sofa which was located near the window.
Just then he heard a knock after giving the permission to come in, Noah lean back with a sad expression.

A servant slowly enter his room. "Sorry to disturb you sir, but Logan sir wanted you to come down for dinner." He look up and shakes his head.

"I'm not hungry, tell him I'm tired and I want to sleep. Don't let anyone come in!" He said grabbing his phone and walking back to his bed getting under the duvet. The servant nods exiting the room and closing his door carefully.

It's been a week since he arrived in Europe. After she left the next day his dad Logan call Him and informed him that he has booked his ticket to Europe.

He took his phone and tried calling her again. But she didn't answer again. Gritting his teeth he smashed his phone to the floor next his bed.

He's been behaving in this way for a week, and he always seems to be in a foul mood because she never called him back after she left.

He hadn't been eating and seemed to have lost his appetite. He wasn't himself. He kept telling himself that she will call, so there was no need to worry, that she had promised, that she might be busy with unpacking and other things or that she might have lost her phone, and that she is just as frustrated as he is that they haven't spoken yet.

He called her so many times, the first two days he didn't think of it that much. As he was really happy how she had accept him and they were in a good terms.
He would close his eyes and remember their beautiful scene which he was hugging her.

But a week has passed and he hasn't heard her voice or seen her beautiful face. He had already begun to lose patience since he was eager to see her.

But today he lost his patience, he wanted her now! He wanted to see her. He did agreed to wait and see each other after summer, but not seeing her, and not talking to her without giving him any reason.

Enough is enough he thought, tomorrow morning he decided to fly over to her.

He quickly got up and pick his phone to see the screen had only broken but it still Worked. He need some of the things in his phone before he could get a new phone. Putting it on the side-table he then again got back under the duvet.

Taking her picture out of his pocket he kissed and close his eyes, laying back on the bed.
With her thoughts he slowly went to sleep.


Next day

"Good morning Son" Logan said who was sitting down in the table and having his breakfast. As he gaze at his son who was walking toward him.

Noah slowly sat down a few chair away from him. He look at his dad "son you okay? I have called you here to learn and do some internships and gain experience this is the 8th day you have been ignoring everything there are people waiting for you in the office. You have been in a bad mood lately." Noah look away from him. And slowly got up to walk away when Logan quickly walk toward him and stop him.

"Noah Jackson you need to explain yourself. I'm your father I am here for you tell me. What is going on?"

Noah chuckle and look at him. "When did you ever care for me?"

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