Chapter 24

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Noah POV

Touching her hijabs, and clothes I hugged them.
Her scent was all around me. It felt like I was hugging her. I then walk around her room, looking at her things.

Tears are not in my control. I walk to her mirror
And look at my self. My eyes are red, I look at the dark circles which my dad kept on telling me about all last week. What have I become?

I then pick up a picture of her which was laying on the dresser table in which she was smiling at me.

This whole situation doesn't make any sense to me.
She ran away because of me? I was that bad.

I shouldn't have never let her go to that damn place.

"NOAH!" I look up with no emotions there stood Allen.

"Oh my god, what is wrong with you? You have literally made everyone crazy including yourself. What the heck dude. You freaking ran away from Europe and everyone is looking for you. For one week you were gone and here you are. Really? In Marwah's house? In her room hugging her headscarf's and clothes? Are you-!" He sighs and shakes her head.

He walk towards me to pull her things away from me. I step back glaring at him. "You don't touch her things!" He looks at me as if I have lost my mind.

"Are you okay? Like what are trying to do? For the first weeks I didn't say thing. I even told your dad to leave you alone and let you have some time to yourself and realize that she's gone. But everyday is the same, no change in you —-actually it's getting out of hand. Hurting yourself like this really? Last week you took the Step to-" he close his eyes.

"For how long are you going to be like this? Weeks? Months? Years? She has left you Noah! Why don't you accept it!" He said kicking the bed out of frustration.

"Focus on school. Work hard. You have so much ahead of you. Your the next CEO after your dad. I Honestly can't even concentrate on school because Of you. I want my best friend back! It's our last year. Senior year of High school Noah."

"I won't forgive her." My voice cracked followed by my sob which I couldn't control. I felt so weak.
I felt so little.

The feeling.....when the person you love the most betrays you. Kills all of your dreams, hope, smile, life everything.

Allen pull for me for a hug. I hug him back.
"Noah" he said softly.
I cried and cried and cried let everything out.
He just stood there not a saying a word.

I don't know for how long I stay like this.

I pull back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Noah, I did everything I could. Your dad and everyone tried their best. But everything else is in your hands——Who you want to be, you have the rest of yourself life ahead of you. Now let's go from here!"


One year later.

(Mature scene ahead)

"I'm pregnant"

He was frozen in place as he stood there. He turned around to face her. She was nodding while crying with joy. He sprinted over to her and gave her a crushing hug. He began kissing her right away without waiting a moment.

Pulling back to breath. He said "when? I mean when did you find out?" She laughs "last night.....I want to keep this baby!" She looks at him nervously.

"Of course we will keep this child. I love you a lot." He kisses her once more before gently putting her on the bed.

His hands are going down as he kisses her lower lip.
She chuckles while pushing him away. "Allen, you have to go office."

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