Chapter 3

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Marwah unlock her house door and enter when delicious smell hit her nose. Smiling she quickly lock her door and walk towards the kitchen "Asalam Alaikum mom" Layla look up with smile.
"Wa Alaikum Salam My daughter." She kissed her forehead.

"You came early today?" She nods "my boss let me, because today it wasn't that busy, go fresh up I made You're Favorite Pasta." "And I love you for that." marwah said kissing her cheek and quickly walking upstairs to her room.

Layla chuckle.

Setting the table and putting down the pasta plate.

Marwah enter her room sitting her backpack aside taking a comfort clothes from her closet she walk in the restroom. After making a wudu and getting changed she pray and finally she came downstairs.
To her mom already sitting and waiting for her. She smile and pull a chair out besides her and sat down.

"Oh Jaan it looks good

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"Oh Jaan it looks good." She said while eating it.
"Glad you like it Jaan." Layla too started eating.

"So how's school? And everything else? I hope I'm not missing out on anything." Marwah chuckle.

"No nothing new." Layal nods.

"Let's go for grocery shopping today." Marwah frown
"No please I'm tired."

"Jaan you're coming that's all I know. I will make it quick." Marwah's nods.

After 15 minutes Marwah takes her phone with her and came downstairs layal was already waiting for her. Both walk out locking the door.

"Finally we're done with this grocery shopping." Marwah said closing her house door.

"See it wasn't that bad." Layla said putting the grocery inside the refrigerator. Marwah walk towards her to help.

"Want to watch movie?" Layla questioned closing the refrigerator since she was done.

"Sure" marwah replied.

"You can pick the movie while I pray Asr."
Marwah said walking upstairs to her room.

After praying her Asr namaz. She was still sitting down on her praying mat making dua. "Ya Allah." She said only. Tears already left her eyes.

"Ya Rahman Alhamdulillah for everything. Ya Allah forgive me for my sins, which I committed knowingly and unknowingly. Ya rabb forgive me and my parents. I miss him....I miss my dad. Ya Allah forgive him." She wiped her tears and sat in silence her heart beating fast.

"Ya allah I pray to find someone who loves me and cares for me so much they bring out the best in me. I pray to find someone who fears you ya allah, and improves my deen. I pray to find Someone who listens and calms me when I'm not feeling well. And I pray someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated."

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