Chapter 10.

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Marwah and her mother went shopping the next day, then proceeded to a nearby restaurant to eat and have a good time.

Marwah sighed when the first period bell rang, and she dashed to the restroom before heading to class.

She met gicel on her way out of the restroom, and they walked to class together. "Bye," gicel said as she walked to her seat where Allen smiled at her.

The project was due today, so she sat down and placed her poster on her desk, nervous about not seeing Noah.
'What if he doesn't show up, Allah what do I do?' her heart beats faster. 'What am I going to use as an excuse?'

The bell rings after a few minutes, and marwah turns to Allen and gicel, who are both smiling then Allen looks up to marwah.

She quickly mouthed "where is Noah" as she pointed to his empty desk. He shakes his head "I don't know." He reply she nods at him and turn around to the front.

"Okay, everyone good morning! Because you've been working on it for a few weeks, the project is due today. I hope everyone finished it because it counts for 60% of your grade" he said, pausing and pointing to his desk.

"Turn them in now."
He sits down at his desk.

Marwah, who was nervously biting her lips and fiddling with her finger.

She carefully rose to her feet and handed in the poster. She takes a seat in her chair.

"Don't forget to give me the questions; they'll go here to this file, and they'll have to be printed." The students sat down after doing as they were instructed.

"Okay, everyone who hasn't handed them in yet has one minute, or I won't accept them at all."

Noah rushes into class, papers in hand, at that very moment. He approached the teacher and said
"sorry, here" as he handed up the paper.

Mr. Evens takes the papers and walk back to his desk  with it.

Marwah whose eyes were on him. She was in the verge of crying. She sigh in relief, her cheeks were red due to the stress. When Noah sits next to her.

He looks at her "I'm very sorry love, I woke up late this morning," He notices her expression and understands her, a tear left her eye.

He leans closer to her and wipes the tear from her eyes. "Please don't, I am really sorry love." She nods at him.

She turns to the front and taking a deep breath.
'Control your self Mar'

She wanted to scold him for being late but she could see the guilt in his eyes. Plus he apologized twice.

"It's okay." She says

"So, I've decided that you guys can complete the book work today while I grade these projects. The page number I have written on the board." Mr. Evens returns to his previous position.

"Not even a thank you?" He smirks at her.

She takes another look at him. "Don't forget, I didn't need to thank you because I had to accompany you to the restaurant to convince you to do it." Marwah said and rolled her eyes.

Noah leans in closer, "I see so you remembered what I said yesterday."

Marwah stated solemnly, "And I told you, I need time."

"Don't get too close to me or touch me in any way without my permission....oh, and I'm putting on my AirPods so I won't hear You." She had no choice but to inform him because she couldn't forget what he had almost done the previous time.

Time passed as everyone got on with their work and didn't bother the teacher, who was busy going over the projects. Marwah, who was listening to music while doing her textbook work.

Noah had finished his work swiftly and was now solely focused on her. Marwah just then pause the music and slowly put her head down for a second.


Marwah POV

Slowly moving my head, I open my eyes and look up, only to find the entire classroom empty and dead silent. I turn to my right to see Noah.

"Finally my love woke up." He said touching my cheek.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around, but there was no one there. "Where is everyone?" I ask, looking back at him. When I realized his hand was on my cheek, removing his hand from my cheek.

I got up from my seat when he said "the bell is about to ring for third period class."

"What?!" I look at my phone to see the time, my eyes widen so I missed lunch and second period class.

I rubbed my temples and inhaled deeply. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I inquire.

"Because you said not to touch you earlier don't you remember?!" He said while smirking.

I sigh and look at him with a glare "And you idiot sat there staring at me the entire time?"

His smile disappeared he got up from his seat and walk up to me.
"I'm your idiot only." He said tapping my hijab.

Putting my hands on his chest to make distance between us, I pick my binder and walk out of the classroom smiling.


Nathaly was accompanying her to her third period class.

She had already met with Nathaly and gicel to explain why she had missed lunch with them and scolded gicel for not waking her up.

Noah had told Gicel and the teacher that his love was "sleeping" and that they should leave them alone.

Hearing that from gicel made Marwah blush. She was teased about it by Nathaly and Gicel.

Walking up to her seat she sat down when she heard "hi" she look up to see David.

"Oh my god David?! How are you?" He smile at her and sat down. "I'm alright I don't want to talk about it." She nods sadly.

"You can now take picture your projects and upload them to your accounts, which is how I'll score them." said the teacher.

Marwah had completed her portion of the project, and David had completed his as well; all that was required were a few finishing touches.


The bell ring David Nathaly and marwah walk out of art class heading to fourth, as they were walking in the hallway. Nathaly made a joke which caused both David and marwah to laugh.

Noah who was talking to his friends, jack one his friends said "isn't that your girl?" Noah who quickly look at the direction where jack was looking at.

He was shock to see David. And both were laughing.

Gritting his teeth he said "He needs to be taught another lesson"

End of chapter

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