Chapter 5

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Next day

Marwah awoke at 6 a.m., not feeling good with her stomach hurting badly.
She afterwards discovered she was on her period. "Salamalaykum mom," she said when she arrived downstairs her hand on her belly with sad face.

"Walykumsalam, Jaan are you all right, you seem not okay." Layla inquires, concerned.

"No, I'm not feeling well because I'm on my period," she says. Layla went nearer to her. "Marwah, return to your room and rest; there is no need to attend school today. Your health takes precedence. My boss isn't in the office today, so I would have taken the day off."

"No, it's fine, Mom. You can't just take off every month for me; I know my period feels like a heart attack, but don't worry, I'm used to it. I had some important schoolwork to complete, and I hate skipping classes. But today I'm going to rest today."

Layla nods with smile "Since you arrived have your breakfast and go back to bed," Layal said Marwah nods.

After one hour her mom left for work. Marwah now was sleeping after taking some pills.


Gicel POV

Me and Nathaly were standing in the hallway near the lockers where Marwah usually finds us. But today I didn't see her.
"Marwah did not show up for school today; I hope she is well." Nathaly stated as she looked around.

I nodded my head "I don't know she didn't say anything about Her not coming to school yesterday.
I called her many times, she didn't pick up my call." I said looking at my phone.

"I too called her too but she didn't answer" said Nathaly.

Then the bell ring, so we left to our first class.

It was 1st period class, as I sat down then Noah enter the class and notice marwah wasn't here. Noah looked at me and came near. "Where is Marwah, Gicel?" He inquires, his voice solemn.

"I don't know, she didn't pick up when I call her" he look at me for sec then left the class.

End of POV


David's POV

When I returned to my third Period class, Marwah was absent. Fuck, I didn't realize how much I liked her. So I approached Nathaly and asked.

"Hey Nathaly" she turn around and smile at me
I hug her "hello how are you?" I nod.

"I haven't seen Marwah today."

She look at me with smile "I'm not sure, I called her and she didn't respond."

I nodded, Returning to my seat. Because I didn't get to see her today, I was bored. I used to glance at her since she was always look attractive. But I'm distracted right now and don't want to do anything. As a result, I chose to send her a message.

David: What's up, you didn't show up for school today? Is everything fine, love?

Noah POV

I couldn't find Her when I walked into class. So I approached her friend Gicel and inquired about Marwah; she had no idea. I became angry and walked out of class. What's the point of staying here if she's not here.

Why didn't she show up to school? She needed to respond to my question regarding last night. She suddenly hung up on me. I asked her to accept me, but she refused. I'm not sure why.

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