Chapter 35 - Forgiveness.

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Next day.

"I pick up your medication from the pharmacy." Ben said walking up to Logan. Today he has doctor's appointment and currently was sitting down in the hospital room.

"Thank you Ben I appreciate that!" Logan said sitting up on his bed.
"Everything alright?!" Ben questioned putting the prescription on the table next to Logan.

"Yea I got some tests done doctor said I will be good to go in a few hours.!"

Ben nods, looking down.
There was this silence in the air.

"I—I" Logan said but paused. Ben looks up at him, as logan was looking for downplaying with his fingers.

"God really did humble me! —if I had never been diagnosed with cancer. I don't think I would have ever changed my mind or feel this shame, guilt this feeling."

Ben nods once Again not showing any emotions.

"All my life I ran after money. Money——this money drove me insane." No one said anything.

"Allen is trying to find about Nathaly?!" Logan looks up.

"Since they all know the truth. They're questioning why Nathaly had lied to them about Marwah—-if you want, I can let them know!"


"I cannot believe this—she would ever go this low!" Gicel said. They were in Noah's mansion in their room.

Allen nods. "So, she didn't win any lottery—she was paid by Noah's dad Logan. To lie to us to hide the truth. This is why she was acting differently and moved away from us!" Gicel said but froze when she looked behind Allen.

Noah was standing there.

"Noah." Allen turns around to face Noah.

Noah walks inside and stands next to Allen.
"I Wanted to tell guys something but ended up listening to your conversation." With his blues eyes Noah looks down in a hurt expression.

"So basically—-my dad pays her a good amount for her to lie about my life to me. To tell me she ran away from me.!?" "Noah" Allen said tapping his shoulder.

"My hate for him is increasing!" Noah said and looked up with teary eyes stepping back he walked out of the room.

"Don't go after him—give him space.!" Gicel said walking and sitting on the bed.

She too was heartbroken after knowing the truth. Nathaly was their bestie.

Closing the door, Allen walks up to his wife and sits next to her.

"I hate her! —fake!"
He touches her cheeks "Calm down sweetheart!" She shakes her head.

she felt his lips on her, slowly kissing them. She pulls back looking at him.

"Don't stress yourself out too much."


"YES, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Valentina said screaming and jumping and running around her room.

Marwah had invited Valentina over to her house. Currently she was in Marwahs room. Marwah told her the summery of her life and how's Shes now getting married except Logan's part.

Marwah laughs as Valentina hugs her tight. Marwah hugs her back.

"I need to go buy the dress for the wedding! I need to look beautiful!" Valentina said panicking.

Marwah laughs again.

They sat down as they talked about everything and had lunch with Marwah. Layal wasn't home, she was busy and was in contact with Noah.

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