Chapter 30 -The truth.

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"Marwah finally you came." Layla said walking up to her daughter and hugged her, she pulled back and looked at her. "Everything alright?" Marwah nods fake smiling.

"Some girl named Valentina had come earlier asking for you. She said, she had called you and you didn't answer." "Oh really?" Layla nods, walking back to the kitchen.

"Who is she?" "She just relocated here from Mexico, and she's incredibly kind. I've met her a few times and we've become friends. We then traded phone numbers. She works in the mall. I Should call her again"

Marwah slowly walks to the stairs when Layal said "I will be in my room, I feel sleepy." "Alright mom"

She closes the door after entering her room. She sets her bag aside. "Phone--my phone, where is my phone?" She recalled scanning the area of her bedroom.

When she couldn't find it after searching her room, she looked in her purse and discovered her other phone, which she only used for work-related matters. She sighed, took a seat, and continued to wonder where she had put her phone.

When she last remembered it, she was at the mall. After that, she was so stressed out with Allen's behavior and words that she didn't even think about her phone.

She picked up her 'work phone' and quickly ordered a new iPhone.

She bites her nails just thinking about him.

'He still loves me? after all I did? He doesn't hate me?' she thought to herself.


Without looking at him, she hesitantly spoke up and asked him to drop her off at the pediatrician's office so she could drive her own car home as they were on their way home. He ignored her and continued to drive for approximately an hour without saying anything. When he stopped the car by the pediatrics, she was taken aback. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh as she looked at him.

She turns to get off when he said, "I will meet you again love." she just stared into his eyes. his beautiful eyes she had missed but then she moved away from him and exited his car.

He waited until she got inside her car and drove away fast.

Flashback ends.

She got up from her bed lost in her thoughts.

'I want him, and I don't want him. I want him near me, but I also don't want him near me.'

'I don't know I'm just mad. so mad at him. Mad at myself'

'He didn't get married? No kids? Somewhere in my heart I was scared what would happen if he moved on with his life over the years. I just couldn't forget him. I missed his possessiness, his talks, the way he would just stare at me making me blush. his hug. Everything about him but now he's after me now, I don't know what to feel.' She then walked off to the restroom to take a shower.


Next day Saturday Morning

Noah was in his room standing near the mirror putting his watch on his wrist when he heard a knock on his door. "Yes?!" Noah said, turning around to see who it was that was knocking.

Slowly the door opened and revealed his dad.

Noah just stared at him with no emotion, behind him entered his guard ben.

"Hello, son!" Logan approached Noah, grinning, and gave him a bear hug. Noah slowly encircled his father in an embrace.

That was new for them both. Even the last time they gave each other a hug has slipped Noah's mind. He took a step back and turned to face his son.

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