Chapter 27

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Here's  chapter 27, updates will be slow from now on sadly. My exam is on December 1st. So I better start studying now. I haven't edited this book yet and I'm going to be honest I don't think I'm going to. I quickly wrote this chapter today in rush—so yea.

Happy reading:)


As I'm driving to the hospital about 10 minutes is left. "Allen—-drop me home!" I hear Marwah weak voice. I immediately turn around to her, gosh she's awake. "No I'm taking you to the hospital. Your face is pale and that is not normal." I look at her.

She touches her head. And open her eyes looking around.
"Drop me home!" "No i-" "Allen don't you understand? I said drop me home I don't want to go the hospital. I'm good I know what is wrong with me I'm also a doctor.!" She says so bitterly looking at me.

"Okay okay calm down. Are you sure?" She nods.

I put the address of her home in my phone and turn back around driving to her house.
I noticed her expressions as she looks at me unbelievably.

"What?!" "You know my address?" That's when I realized what I just did.

"I know everything about you!" I glare at her, remembering how she killed my brother mentally and physically.

After moments of silence i hear her voice.

"He -he knows About me?!" Her audacity to talk.

"You can shut your mouth up. And not talk to me before I do something to you and kill you!"

We arrive at her house at last, I lock the doors, and she turns to face me. I instantly grabbed my phone and pressed the record button to capture our conversation. "I am not done with you." i say putting my phone down in my lap.

"How will you hold me accountable for his actions? Never have I loved him. It was my choice to flee from everything he had driven me insane by constantly forcing me. Just because he loved me doesn't mean I feel the same way about him."

this is the proof i need for the future.

"why don't you admit that you're wrong? everyone was worried about you, you disappeard like you never existed. And then we find out through nathaly that you run away from Noah and everything was fake. that men cried days and nights Sha-" "Wait what? nathaly? I --- Never met nor talk to nathaly. So you have no right to accuse me allen. You don't know anything about this matter. Just leave me allen open the damn door" she raised her voice at me.

what? she never met Nathaly? then why did Nathaly say all that about her.

this is really confusing. i was about to question her. She touches her head, she's not good enough of this for now, as her health is not okay. I unlock the car, without looking at me, She slam my door and just run off.

I look down to see that she has forgotten her phone. I sigh.

My head is hurting. I started driving and my thoughts went to what she said, so this seems like what Nathaly had said was lie? but nathaly was her bestfriend why would she lie about her, i don't get it. Or i think now that we have caught her, she's trying to act innocent.

my phone starts ringing i look at the screen to see my the love of my life is calling me. My wife, i smile as i answer her call.


Me and noah are sitting in his living we had ordered pizza ealier, and now we were chiling. John was playing video games. "When are you leaving?" i heard noah voice as he puts down the file he was reading. "In two days." i reply as he nods.

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