Chapter 36 -Nikkah.

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"I accept" Noah repeated this line for the 3rd time now with a shaky hand, teary eyes, heartbeat is beating extra loud on this special day.

He then signed the marriage contract paper.

The imam hugged him tapping his back. Everyone congratulated him, walking towards him hugging him. Everyone cheers. Some smiling, Laughing or crying of joy.

She had already given her consent and now he did too. The nikkah was done.

(The Nikah ceremony is designed to bring a new relationship before Allah. Couples will stand before the ceremony leader, traditionally an imam, and say "I accept" three times. After this portion of their vows has been completed, they will sign the marriage contract and officially be joined as husband and wife)

The mosque was simply decorated with flowers so simple yet elegant. Just like she wanted, and always dreamed of. Everyone was present.

He was taken to the side of the females everyone gathered around him. He slowly took steps and looked up to meet her beautiful brown eyes.

She looks so Elegant.







Noor was on her face, around her.

Time stopped for both of them. Even though it was so loud around, people laughing, talking, photos being clicked, flashing on them.

But everyone went silent for them. They were so lost in each other's eyes.

He felt butterfly in his stomach, just like that day when he first saw her.

She was standing there, in her beautiful white dress. Tears leaving her eyes, as she looks at him. She feels so weak at the moment.

Everything seemed like a dream for her.

His eyes soften as he looks at his wife. Allen gently taps Noah's back so he can continue his walk to her, as everyone was waiting for them.

Noah then finally walks, opening his arms and when he got near her, he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly hugging her to him. Her hands were around his neck tightly.

The hug. This hug felt so different. It felt home.


It was warm, so comfortable.

He pulls back kissing her forehead gently as she closes her eyes.

She felt his kiss on her skin.

He wipes her tears "don't cry my love." He whispers. Kissing her nose.

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