Chapter 23

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(Suicidal warning in this chapter)

Noah POV

I slowly open my eyes and scan the surroundings. I slowly straightened up and leaned back.

I realize I'm in my room.

Suddenly the doors open my dad and Allen walks towards me.

"Noah oh my god, you're awake!" Allen said sitting on the edge of the bed. "Son how are you feeling? You scared us." I once more close my eyes.
I suddenly remember fainting and being in Canada.

My eyes shot open. "What am I doing here? Was I dreaming all?" I said standing up.

"Marwah....where is my Love. I was going to meet her. She must have been waiting for me." "Noah" dad said grabbing my shoulders turning me to face him.

"Sit down you are not going anywhere. You need to relax." I shake my head. "I need to go to Canada."

"You have gone crazy for that damn girl!" He said raising his voice at me. "Yes, I have gone insane now move out of my away. I need to find her." I said pushing him Aside.

"Logan, I got it. Please wait outside while I speak with him." Allen stated while standing.

Dad glares at me and leaves the room.

"Noah sit down and let's talk." "What do you mean talk? Where is my phone?" I said looking around.

"Noah listen to me I'm serious" Allen said. I then stop in my place.

He sits down on the bed, I too slowly sat down.
"What happen? Why am i in Europe? How long was I sleeping?" Allen nods "okay, Remember how I was talking to you? After you didn't answer me I was worried I quickly called your guard. He found you Unconscious and they straight took you to the hospital. And then Logan was Inform he took care of the rest and bought you here in Europe. Which was weird, and you were sleeping for two days. Everyone was worried about you. And I couldn't help but come here and see you."

"So it's not a dream. Allen I want her back. Please
you're my best friend who always helped. I want her Allen. Please tell me everything you told me over the phone was a lie. She loves me. I saw it in her eyes, she her own self accepted me. She's my everything how can she just run away from me-!" I said as tears left my eyes.

"Noah please understand that this is the reality you need to accept this!" "NO" I shouted shaking my head and standing.

I will find her.

My head is spinning I slowly sit down.

"Bring me Nathaly Allen. I want to speak with her about this matter." "Okay okay, I will send food please eat it so you can have Energy to deal with this matter."


After taking a hot shower and I got dressed I lay down closing my eyes.

'Please god. Please undo this. How can she run away from me? My heart is hurt. I feel pain physically and mentally. I Have never fallen in love like this, this love I have for her is different. Some people win your heart without even saying a word......Where did you go oh Love? Please come back..I will beg you even if I have to. I will give you space." Tears left my eyes and slowly I went to sleep again.


I am standing near my balcony looking at the sky.

When my door burst open. "ALLEN LEAVE ME! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH ME OR FORCE ME!" I heard Nathaly shouting.

I turn around and walk towards her.

She pushes Allen away, he step back raising his hand. "Women chill! I don't know why she's being stubborn I told her, you Wanted to meet her and she suddenly started being aggressive and kick me out of her apartment.!"

"You forced me to come from America all the way to Europe asshole!"

"Enough" I said walking towards her until a few inches away.

"Tell me. Tell me what did Marwah said to you? When was the last time she or you contacted each other." I said with serious expression glaring at her.

She nervously looks around and back to me. But she try to mask her expression. "What do you want hear? She run away from you. She never wanted to be with you as you were always forcing her. Threatening her, following her around like a psycho. Telling her to accept you, not to look at anyone. What kind of you girl would want that? So she to pretend she was in love with you! And she run away from you forever.! Yes you can call it whatever you want! She play with your feelings!" Nathaly said it all in one breath.

"She her self—— told you this?" I question as my heart is breaking into pieces.

She nods. "I don't believe you!" I said. She laughs looking around. "Since you guys talked to each other tell me. Where is she staying at?" Allen question glaring at her.

Nathaly shakes her head. "We said goodbye one last time that day. She didn't tell me, where was she going ? I didn't force her too. I supported her with this! She is a good actor No? And you here believed her like a fool!"

And then there was silence, no one said anything.
"Allen take her away safely. Let her ago." Without wasting any second. Allen grabbed her arm and left.

"Everything was a lie? The way she looked me? The way she would hugged me. Her smile, our talks everything was fake? She never loved me? I was so damn crazy about her that I didn't even notice she was playing to get rid of me!"


Two months later

Logan moved cautiously inside his son's room. He was in shock as he looked around the room.
Everything was broken, including mirrors, televisions, and whatever other objects he felt like destroying.

Logan immediately looked around for his son. He run to the restroom to find him with a bleeding wrist and a knife next to him covered in blood. his eyes were open tears are leaving his eyes.

"NOAH OH MY GOD!" Logan run to him and picked him up. He took his face in his hands gently "MY SON"
" want her.......I will die without her...there is no me." With that his eyes slowly closed.

Panicking he scream and he run to get a doctor.


Logan enter his room after few hours, he looked at his son who was laying in his bed with bandage wrist.
He sat next to his son crying he said "for gods sake Noah please stop this how many times are you going to do this? You have made me sick me. Just kill me noah. I looked everywhere for her, I sent my man to find her and I tried my best. It's like she disappeared there's no trace of her. I swear to you, please I want my Noah my son back. Wake up ——come to reality. She's gone enjoying her life while look at you suffering.
You're the heir of Jackson company, my only son. Please son move on. Eat food, just look at you and you're state. Dark circle under your eyes." Noah open his eyes as tears were running out like a River.

Logan hugged him. "If you're mom was here, she wouldn't like seeing you in this state. For her sake please try to at least move on." He pull back.

"How is this my fault if I can't find her. Believe what Nathaly said. She betrayed you she hated you she never wanted you."

"You don't ——don't understand." Noah touched his heart. "This heart is in pain." He touched his head "this mind is killing me, everywhere I look. I see her, her face, her voice. I can't-" he sobbed holding this dad.

End of chapter.

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