Chapter 32

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Layla slowly opens her eyes feeling thirsty. She slowly sat up on her bed and turned to her right side to look for water, but she found none. Getting off of from her bed she stood up picking her phone from the table which was near her bed. She looked at the time on her phone, it was 3:59 in the morning. She sighed and walked out of the room as she was passing by her daughter's Room.

Layla stopped in her place and moved closer to Marwah's door, it was like she is talking to someone.

"Ya Allah, I cannot take it anymore. Please help me! please if he is not destined to be mine, then please make him in my destiny. I want him. I only want him no one else.!" Marwah then started crying, it was like a silent sob.

"After so many years he came back to my life, I do not want to lose him again. I love him and I always love Noah. I want to marry him-" Layla closed her eyes stepping back she walked back to her room.

Closing her door gently, Layla sat back down on the bed. She touches her head.

"Ya Allah, I cannot take it anymore. Please help me! please if he is not destined to be mine, then please make him in my destiny. I want him Ya Allah, I only want him no one else. After so many years he came back to my life, I do not want to lose him again. I love him and I always love Noah. I want to marry him-"

she closed her eyes and Marwah voice was replaying in her head, which made layal question herself.


Marwah opens her eyes slowly and looks at her surroundings, she was still laying on her prayer mat for hours.

She smiled and sat up; she could feel the tears dried up on her cheeks.

She felt peace.

first thing she did was close her eyes and said "Alhamdulillah"

She got up and put her prayer mat away, she headed to the restroom to take shower and refresh herself.

She sat in front of the mirror doing her skin care routine then she dried her hair leaving it open.

as she was busy with that. She heard a knock on her door Marwah got up, putting the hairbrush aside and walked towards the door and opened it.

A smiling Salma was looking at her. "Good morning! Oh my god --You look so beautiful" Salma was just looking at her from up to down.

With a shy smile she looks down. "Thank you, Salma!" "No problem, Miss. I have made breakfast and wanted to inform you." Marwah nods. "Is mom awake?" "Yes, she's at the breakfast table and asked me to check on you." "Okay you go, I will be there in a minute." Salma smiles walking away.

Marwah walks towards the mirror and picks a hairclip in her hand as she walks downstairs.

Marwah could sense something is not right. Layla kept on glancing at her, and she was not eating. Marwah took a bite out of her pancake.

"Mom is everything okay?!" Layla was lost in her thoughts, she shook her head and looked at her.

"I am fine. I have an appointment today, so I will not be home for a few hours.!" Saying this Layla walked away without looking back at Marwah.

Recently she has been acting different. Marwah noticed.

losing her appetite Marwah touched her head. She felt like her mom was hurt because of her, and This is what Marwah did not like at all.

And she was scared to tell her mom about Noah again. Especially when Layla warns to stay away from Noah.

Hours passed by. She was in her room trying to keep herself busy and wondered why her mom was so late? On the hand every time Noah crossed her mind, she kept on praying for him. To be hers.

She was sitting near her closet just organizing her clothes and hijab. When she received a notification on her phone, she took her phone out of her pocket and looked at her screen.

She closed her eyes not knowing what to feel.

Her termination letter was accepted from her work. Just then her phone started ringing and she looked at the screen again to see her mom calling. She answered it without wasting any time.

Marwah: Hello Asalam Alaikum mom.

Layal: Wa Alaikum Salam.

Marwah: Ah—mom where is you? Are you okay? It has been hours since you left?

Layla: I am okay. Listen to me I am on my way to home, but I want you to Get ready and dress up and wear a hijab. Someone will be visiting us in an hour to two.

Marwah: may I ask what the reason for their visit is?

Layla: It is about your marriage date and all that. You will know. Bye.

As the call got disconnected, without knowing she suddenly fell to the ground.

A pain came across her chest. 'Mom has called Abbas family over again to confirm our marriage.' Is what she thought.

A sob left her mouth.

This was the reason she wanted to stay away from Noah and did not want to give him any hope. Because she could not just pick between the two.

This is her destiny.

But somewhere in her heart. She had this hope.
Hope in God.

She reminded herself that she has surrendered all her affairs from good too bad to God.

Wiping her tears, she got up and just pulled out an outfit to change into.

Marwah was downstairs just looking at her mom as she ran back and forth making sure everything was perfect and ready.

As it the time they would be arriving.

Layal finally came near Marwah. "Everything looks good." She said when she looks at her daughter.

Who was already dressed up and with light simple makeup and a Hijab wrapped around her head.
Her eyes were red.

Layal could feel she was not okay. She could see that her daughter had been crying.

Layal walked closer to Marwah and hugged her. "Everything will be okay love. Just trust me. Your happiness is all I want."

'Ya Allah. Please calm my heart.' she prayed again.

She had been walking back and forth in her room for the last 7 minutes when she heard a knock on her door. She felt her heart drop to her stomach feeling. She was shaking, she slowly walked to the door and opened it.

Salma was standing there. "Miss. They have arrived and Layal ma'am asked for your Presences downstairs!"

"You, okay?" Marwah nods. Which causes Salma to nod and walk away.

"This is the time, Marwah!" She told her self-taking a deep breath and walked out of the room.

With her every step down the stairs she called upon God.

As she reaches the end of the stairs. She heard Salma.

"She's coming she looked super nervous just now."

"Yes. Do not worry about her answer. It is a yes for sure.!" she heard her mothers voice. Marwah bit her lip controlling herself not to have a breakdown.


I know I Know such short chapter. So much had been going on in my life, from losing my grandfather to cancer and mentally i had not been okay. I actually had in plan to finish the story before new years eve, I was working on but unfortunately the chapter was not saved -----I Just wanted break and peace, for the people asking me to update this was why i was not updating and I just wrote this chapter and wanted to publish it, instead of waiting for another 2 weeks to write a long chapter.

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