Chapter 6.

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Next day

At 6:40am layal drop marwah to school. Marwah walk up to her best-friends, she sat down next to them. "Hello love" gicel said side hugging her.

Nathaly nods at marwah. "You look stressed?" Nathaly question. Marwah nods putting her binder on the table. "today around 4, I have to go to this coffee shop, with Noah" Nathaly and gicel look at each other "Did I just heard Noah" Nathaly said smiling.

Marwah nodded "why?" Gicel ask drinking her Hot coffee Marwah then explained the whole situation to them.

Gicel teased Marwah, "someone is going out with Noah."

Marwah look at her "not funny." Marwah roll her eyes. Nathaly nodded "I see" she smirk

They continued to converse until the bell rang.

"Whatever, let's head to class"


Later, they discover that their fourth-period economics class has been converted to first-period economics, and they now have economics 1st instead of history.

Marwah and gicel enter 1st Period which was economic class. Gicel left Marwah and walk up to her partner. Marwah walk up to her seat and sat down

She was thinking about Noah and how he needed to take this project seriously because the deadline was approaching. She heard his voice and looked up to see him smiling and talking to his friends.

When She glanced at her books. Just then He walked up to her and sat next to her.

"Hi, babe how are you feeling?"
Marwah turn to him "Babe? I'm not your babe" she says.
Noah lean close to her, he stare at her.

"Could you just stop staring at me, you're making me uncomfortable," Marwah said as she met his gaze.

Noah grins. "I like it when I make my love uncomfortable" "you know your Weird please go to work, the deadline is approaching"

Noah smiled and nodded "Do you realize we're heading to a coffee shop today, babe? And I'll be the one to pick you up and drop you off."

Marwah agreed, then abruptly exclaimed "No, I mean I'm coming to the coffee shop, but you're not picking me up or dropping me off before you ask why, please try to understand I-" she was stopped off by Noah, who responded "alright darling, don't worry as long as you come that's all that matters."

Marwah was taken aback by the fact that he simply agreed with her without arguing "Oh...Um...Thank you" she said "for what?" He said with a smile that could kill anyone.

"For once you actually agreed without arguing"
Noah smirk "No problem love"


Marwah had a good time at lunch today. Nathaly and Gicel joked about things as they talked about. David skipped lunch because he was out with his friends.


Marwah had an easy day because David was absent from biology class. She wore her AirPods and started on her work, which consisted of taking notes from a PowerPoint presentation.

The third period of class began. Nathaly and Marwah sat in their seats since the teacher required an assigned seat and that was how the teacher would take attendance.

Which annoyed everyone.

Marwah had some project ideas and a draft she wanted to share with David.

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