19. Tsukki

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Slight Angst

Okay maybe major angst... and its short so ;-;


Tsukki's POV

So this is Horatu?

"Hm," was all I could bring myself to say.  "So what now?"

"Well..." Tadashi paused.  "Well now that I found him... and you know, I want to officially be with him."  


"T-Tadashi what do you mean officially?" 

'Damn, my stuttering.'

"Um... Tsukki, I have been seeing Horatu for 4 months."



All I could do was laugh.  

"Ugh.  How could I be so blind?!"  Yamaguchi's eyes widened as I said this.

"T-Tsukki-" he began.

"No!" I yelled holding in my emotions.  "I could care less Yamaguchi.  Although I do appreciate you telling me the truth," I said getting up.  I started walking to the door.

"T-Tsukki wait, please!  Please let me explain!" Tada...  Yamaguchi tried yelling at me to come back.  I was in the doorway about to walk out and close the door behind me.

I can't just leave without saying something...

"I'm sorry Yamaguchi.  We are done." I looked out the door.  I heard some noises behind me... one I knew well, Yamaguchi crying.  "Goodbye, Yamaguchi." And with that, I closed the door and took a deep breath.  I almost felt a weight lift off my shoulders.  I heard Yamaguchi yell in pain... not physical pain.  Emotional.  His yells were very distinct when you paid attention enough.  This one was of being emotionally broken.

He brought this upon himself Tsukki.  He cheated.  Walk out the door... walk away.

The voices in my head were right for once...

I needed to leave.

Leave Yamaguchi...

"Goodbye Tadashi..."

Sorry it's super short.  But I mean at least I updated for once in forever ;-;

um... yeah I lost motivation for a while... but im back now for the most part.  but I do have finals soon (not that it matters cause I don't really need to study or anything) but I should be updating better soon.  Maybe... hopefully cause I forgot how much joy it brought me writing this story.  And now that I started working again, I remember and don't wanna do school work -_-

anyway hope ya'll are good!!  We should be coming to the end soon!  depends how much more extra ideas I get lol. anyway next chapter should be posted soon!

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