21. Kageyama

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Cheating, slight abuse (verbal, emotional, and slight physical), Rape

Just to make sure one thing is clear.  Just because I put abuse, rape, or cheating in my chapters does not mean I support it. I think these things are absolutely disgusting.  

Kageyama's POV

"Babe, who is that?" Kuroo asked hugging my back.  When did he get back in here?!

"Uhm... It's Tsukishima."  I said hesitating to tell him.  I felt him tense up behind me.

"Why in the hell is he calling you?  I thought I told you to tell him-"

"Hey Tsukki what's up?" I said cutting Kuroo off and rolling my eyes.

"WHAT?! HEY, HEY SLOW DOWN!" I was worried about him.  I sat up shaking Kuroo off of me.

"Okay okay calm down I-!"  Kuroo grabbed my phone and hung up on Tsukki.

"Kuroo!  He was in the middle of an anxiety attack!"  I said looking at him angrily.

"So what.  He should have called someone else."'

"I can't believe you!" I yelled and tried to get out of Kuroo's bed but fell to the floor.  My legs were weak from what he did to me...  I just heard Kuroo do a deep husky laugh.  It sent shivers down my back.  I don't want this anymore.  I WANT AWAY!  He walked over and squatted in front of me.  I was on my knees with my head down looking at the ground.  Kuroo lifted my head with his hand making me look at him.

"So, how are you going to get there if you can't walk, hm?"  My eyes went wide.  

Did he do this on purpose? So I wouldn't be able to leave?!

I tried to get up off my knees but collapsed a sharp pain shooting through my body.


"Aw, my baby boy..." Kuroo's face softened and looked sad suddenly.  He picks me up so that our stomachs are touching and I bury my face in the crook of his neck trying not to cry.  I was in so much pain...

My ass... my back.  It all hurt.  Kuroo laid me on the bed and was on top of me.  He had on a pair of jeans, while I still had no clothes on.  Kuroo looked up and down my body looking hungry.  I shuttered at the thought.  I'm not sure how much more I could take.

"Look at this..." he said trailing his right hand from the top of my chest to my right thigh.  "And it's all mine... and I may share."  At that moment there was a knock at the front door.  Kuroo looked at his door and smiled.

"Goody, he is here." He said getting off me.  Before he left the room he leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back.  He trailed his kisses down my neck and started sucking on a part of it.  

"Agh! Kuroo stop!" I yelled. He made a decent-sized dark purple hickey.  He leans back and admires his work.  He hums content and says 

"Just let that remind you who really owns you with what's happening next."

And with that, he leaves the room.  

Now how to get the hell out of here and get to Tsukki!

Third POV

Kuroo went downstairs and opened his front door to his tiny tangerine.

"Hi, Chibi-chan!" He smiled looking at the short boy in front of him.  Hinata tried to hide the blush appearing on his face looking at the shirtless boy in front of him.

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