29. Kageyama

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"About last night... I want to talk about what happened..."

"Oh yeah sure what's up."

"I wanna talk about everything. I want to explain everything really. The drinking, smoking... all of it. It may sound stupid but.."

"Babe... just tell me." I gently placed my hand on his. He looks at me and gently pulls his away.

"Kags, there is something I've been meaning to tell you about..."

"Oh.. okay. Well, what is it?"

"I... I was accepted into a school in America for volleyball. Under a full-ride scholarship."

"O-Oh... America... How long is the school?"

"4-year minimum, but I'm gonna try to go pro right after! I already have teams from other countries scouting me."

I tried to choke down my sobs and any other emotion really.

"Wow! That's great."

"Yeah! I've just been so stressed about it and stressed about telling you and Kenma and-"


"Well, yeah. He's my best friend. He's gonna wanna know that I've been accepted to colleges overseas!"

"I thought you and him weren't talking..."

"Um... why wouldn't we?"

"Kuroo he cheated on you! For months! With Hinata!"

"So what! We've talked it out and we are cool. It's like we never got in a big fight at all. We are right back to best friends. He's so amazing! I missed him a lot."

My heart broke. Shattered. A million times over in this conversation I was having.

"You missed him...?"

"Well... yeah. I mean we were inseparable for years. Going a month felt like a lifetime."

"You have been talking to him again for 3 months and you didn't think to say anything to me?!"

"No, why the hell would it matter?"

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"Okay and. That doesn't mean you get to control who I talk to and I am friends with."

"Oh, but you can control mine!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I have never controlled your personal life!"

"Bullshit! You won't let me say a word to Tsukeshima!"

"That's different!"

"How?! How is that any different other than that he isn't my ex and we've never fucked. You did all that with Kenma and you can talk to him again after he fucking cheated on you with someone, but my friend, I can't even have him as a friend for some unknown fucking reason."

"You want a reason? I'll give you a reason! I don't fucking like him! I don't trust his grimy little hands being near you!"

"You won't even let me text him! Not even about Volleyball shit!"

"Like I said, I don't trust him."

"Ugh! You are such a dick! You two used to be super close? What happened?! What has he done that has made you suddenly not trust him?!"

"He kissed my boyfriend! You really think I'm gonna trust him after that!"

"You haven't trusted him for months! That was literally-"

I was cut off by the ding of my phone on the table in front of me.

"Don't you dare pick that up in the middle of our conversation Kageyama..."

My heart... was now gone. There was nothing left to give. From a private unknown number sat a photo with a text that said "This was taken after you left his place last night."

"What... the... fuck..." My eyes couldn't open wider... I didn't have the words to say more. But I had to... "You fucked him..."

"What? Speak up Kageyama. I can barely hear you."


"Where did you get that!?"

"You don't need to know! But seriously Kuroo! You get drunk and god knows what else... you drug me, then do unthinkable things to me, then you go and have sex with Kenma.. and Hinata! And you can't say it's photoshopped because you and I both know it's not. and it's from last night because I can see my sock on the fucking roof from where I had to sneak out the window to avoid you!"

"God damn it Kageyama, I brought them there for you! I thought maybe I could rekindle things between you and Hinata to make my going off to college easier! On top of that, you are a first-year and I'm a third-year graduating! I graduate in 2 weeks Kageyama. I don't want you wasting your life on me! You can find someone who loves you better than I can."

"OH! So you were just going to pawn me off to my ex-boyfriend whose guts I hate, I want nothing to do with, and cheated on me and just leave?! Oh, cause he loves me sooo much right Kuroo?!"

"Yes! Why do you think I changed my mind last night when I was sober!"

All thoughts in my mind froze... everything... froze...

Kuroo and I were both standing at this point but, I wasn't sure I was going to be standing much longer.

"Shit..." I could hear Kuroo mutter under his breath.

I sat back down on my chair and shoved the omelet away from me.

"How could I be so stupid..."

"Kags..." He tried walking around the table to me but I stood up.

"No..." I began kinda walking backward toward my bed area. Kuroo followed shortly after me.

"The omelet... Hinata... not calling me babe this morning... it's all adding up... You're breaking up with me to move to America and live your dream."

"Well... yeah. You have plans for a life playing professional volleyball here... it's not like you'd come with me!"

"How would you know that? How would you know that I don't love you so much that I would have dropped my life... everything here, and gone with you to America, and started a new life with you!"

"But, maybe that's not what I want..."

"What do you mean... not what you want?"

Kuroo sighs sitting on my bed.

"I can only take one person with me as 'family' and... I've already chosen to take Kenma..."

"Y-You're gonna take... Kenma..."


I took a second to take it all in.

"You and him are getting back together... aren't you?"

There was silence for a moment. That gave me my answer, but I wanted to hear it from him.


"FUCK!!" The tears came streaming down my face. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!"

Kuroo rushed to my side grabbing my hands and trying to talk to me.


"I'm sorry! Tobio I am so sorry!"


I fell to the floor sobbing. uncontrollable sobbing. I heard my dorm door close after a few minutes. I thought that maybe the crying would let up after he left but... it only got worse. I only cried more, and more, and more. I felt my head going fuzzy and soon, everything went black...

What Are You Doing To Me (A Kagetsuki Story) {Please read description}Where stories live. Discover now