8. Kageyama

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~Kageyama POV~

Hinata and Kenma were sitting behind a ride and a booth where no one could see them. Kuroo was looking in a different direction so he didn't see them. But I did. I wish I hadn't, but I had. They were making out.  Hinata was leaning against a wall and Kenma was on his lap embarrassing his head with his hands.  I felt sick.  I loved Hinata, and it broke me to see him cheating on me.  As if on queue Hinata opened his eyes and saw me watching them.  Kuroo was fascinated by something in the opposite direction.  Hinata gently pushed Kenma away and kept staring me in the eyes.  We had locked eyes the moment he looked in my direction.  

Kenma climbed off Hinata's lap and grabbed the cotton candy they had bought that was laying on Hinata's bag.  Hinata and I still had our eyes locked.  Hinata was the one to break the gaze by focusing on Kenma pretending to not have seen us.  

"They are right here," I growled.  Kuroo took no notice of the anger in my voice and walked over to the two boys.  He kneeled to Kenma and they started talking.  Hinata got up and walked over to me.  He had his head down now avoiding my eyes.

"Care to explain where you guys were?  We have been calling you for the past like half an hour trying to find you two!"

"Kenma was getting anxious being in the crowd so I got him some cotton candy and we came back here to eat it.  Away from people." He looked up at me.  He was practically glaring at me.  It felt like knives were being driven into my heart.  He knows I saw what they were doing yet he would rather lie to me.  

"So if he has anxiety here, then why does he have no issues when you two go to the club and party?  Or when you two go to volleyball games together and the seats are cram-packed!"  At this point I was beginning to raise my voice out of anger.  "and we are just going to ignore the fact that I saw you two making out!"  Hinata had dropped his gaze.  He didn't say a word.  I dropped my head a licked my lips.

"Hinata, I just have one question," He looked at me.  I looked him in the eyes.  On the verge of tears.  "Hinata how long have you two been a thing?"

Hinata stayed quiet for a minute.  When he spoke I almost wanted to scream and slap him.

"That night at the club after the game, I didn't get drunk to get your attention.  I got drunk to hook up with Kenma.  We both had gotten drunk to do the same thing it had turned out."  I could not believe what I was hearing.  Kenma had been cheating on Kuroo for at least a month.  

"That night when we had been gone for like an hour, we had gone to the back of the club and made out a bit."  At this point, I couldn't hold back my tears.  Tears began to stream down my face.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I said and walked away.  Hinata tried to follow me and talk to me but I yelled at him to leave me alone.

I walked to the far side of the fair where no one went anymore.  It was abandoned.  It was supposed to be shut down but the city never got around to doing it.  I was surprised I hadn't run into anyone on the way there.  I went into the bathroom.  For being the bathroom in the abandoned part of the fairgrounds it was fairly clean.  I sat against a wall and cried for a while.  I had a bag with me and inside it, was my coping mechanism.  


After a while I had drunk too much, I had empty bottles around me, probably 10 empty glass bottles,  my vision was a bit blurry, and I felt like I was about to throw up.  I was about to pass out but I heard the bathroom door open and there was a tall figure in front of me.  It crouched down and put its hand under my chin tilting my head up.  They were saying something, but I couldn't hear it.  The world turned black, and I passed out.


I'm sorry to those of you who want to now kill Hinata and maybe Kenma!!!😅

So yea I will be posting an update next!

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