27. Tsukki

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I have risen from the dead lol

With better writing hopefully!

(Please keep in mind that there was a three-month gap between me writing the last chapter and this one! So it might not align perfectly. Bit of a time jump you could say...)

Also, I changed the name of Horatu. It's kinda an off-name looking at it now. His name is

Hisashi- Always with you; A long-time intention

Tsukki's POV

I was sitting on my bed with Yamaguchi in an awkward silence.

"Care to explain why you have to stay here though? Why can't you stay with Hisashi?"

"Do we have to talk about that right now? Can't we just enjoy our time together?"

Yamaguchi started running his hand up my thigh toward my crotch.

"You're not staying here unless you tell me, and nothing is happening either. You said you wanted to be with Hisashi. What changed huh? Why aren't you sleeping peacefully in bed with him? Why are you here breaking me all over again?"

Yamaguchi looked at me taking it in. He looked down as if to be pondering how to word his response.

"I found out the truth... the truth about what happened that day with my father, and about my kidnapping in general. It was all a setup Tsukki..."

I tried to keep my facial expressions under control. But it was obvious my face betrayed me a bit. Yamaguchi sighed as he got in a little more comfortable position. He sat back on my bed with his back against the wall. There was a solid foot or two between us now.

"It was all a setup by my father. Only my father, mother, and Hisashi knew. My father hired Hisashi to kidnap me so that I wouldn't be next in line to take over the family business. My father hated and to this day continues to hate my style, the way I act... honestly just everything about me."

I scooted further onto my bed getting a bit more comfortable knowing I was going to be here for a bit.

"My father thought that with me gone, he would be able to keep the business longer till my brother was of age to take over. But people started asking too many questions. They were more worried about me and where I had gone because they actually loved me. My father hadn't anticipated that and he knew his plan was foiled. He tried going to the police to get them to just give up searching and pronounce me dead, but they refused. So my father gave up. He attacked me and Hisashi without warning. My father, as you know, hasn't talked to me since that day unless in public. To make it look like he actually cared about me... I never understood why until now. It all makes sense now..."

I could feel water welling in my eyes. I may be frustrated and hurt by his choice to still go with Hisashi, but he was still my childhood friend. I need to put the relationship we had aside for right now and just be his friend again. He needs support, and I'm going to give it to him. I scooted close to him only by a little to not intrude in case he didn't want contact. I opened my arms offering an embrace.

"I don't want to force contact on you, so I'm offering a hug. You don't have to take it."

He crawled into my arms and held me. I could slowly feel my shirt getting damp, and I could hear and feel him start to sniffle and shake. 

"You're safe to cry... you know that right?"

With those words, he broke and began sobbing into my chest. His tears kept going, I just held him stroking his hair, soothing him. His crying seemed to go on and on, I guess he hadn't really cried in a while. After about an hour, his sobbing had lessened and his body wasn't shaking. He leaned up and sat back off my lap.

"thank you... I know it's not easy to sit here with me and just... this you know."

"Yama.. we had something happen, I don't think that should get in the way of being friends. I still want to be friends and be able to be here for you when shit like this happens."

"Thank you Tsukki... Can I have another hug?"

"Of course."

He crawled back into my arms and I held him. After a second, I felt and heard him sigh.
"You can stay if you want. I know you need it."

I felt his grip tighten a bit.

"Wanna get in a position that might be a bit more comfortable?"

We were kind of awkwardly twisted facing each other on the edge of the bed, him practically in my lap. He gently nodded and I slightly lifted him and scooted back. I sat at the head of my bed with my back against the wall. I then let Yamaguchi get settled in. We sat together just enjoying each other's company as we drifted off to sleep.

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