5. Kageyama

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This is a bit of a giveaway to what is going to happen but ya'll need a visual!  So FYI when I say they sit on their lap this is usually what I mean.OKk onto the new chapter.

~Kageyama POV~

After Kuroo and Kenma left, I was left alone with Hinata. I finally was able to focus on Hinata and noticed things I hadn't when I was focused more on Kuroo and Kenma. Hinata was struggling to stand up straight and was looking around humming. He smelled of alcohol. Great. Not only had I been left alone with my crush, but he was drunk. Great, just great. I grabbed Hinata's arm and walked him out of the club through a back door. It was a little patio area where people usually go to smoke. I sat Hinata down and sat next to him.

"Hinata, why did you do this?" Most of the time when people get drunk the first few times they aren't used to it so they have no filter and say or do the first thing that comes to mind. So chances are Hinata will speak his mind since he doesn't drink... that I know of at least. I slightly chuckled to myself thinking that. Hinata was still sitting, looking at me. I couldn't tell if he was thinking, he has been drunk before and he knows how to control it, or he is just so drunk his mind is blanking out.

"I wanted you to notice me," Hinata said looking down at his hands which were fidgeting with his skirt. 

'He wanted me to notice him? What does he mean by that?'

"Boke, what do you mean you wanted me to pay attention to you? I hang out with you-"

"No!" He yelled cutting me off. I was caught off guard. "I hate it! I hate it when you call me Boke! I hate it when girls surround you asking for your number, or asking you out! You never give me the kind of attention I want!" He had stood up and was facing me with tears falling down his face. I didn't know what to say. Did he have the same feelings for me as I have for him? Part of me didn't want to ask him out now because he is drunk and I don't want him to wake up in the morning and say it was a mistake and break up with me. I opened my arms to him. He looked me in the eyes and walked up to me. I put my arms around him, and he sat on my lap. He put his head on my chest and began to cry. I closed my eyes and stroked his hair.

"It's ok, cry it out." We sat there for a few minutes, Hinata, crying, and me stroking his hair, trying to calm him. Once he had calmed down a bit, I began to talk to him.

"Look bo- Hinata, I didn't know that's how you felt. You should have said something sooner, and you really should not have gotten drunk. Your tiny body can't handle it," I chuckled. I could feel him laugh against my chest. I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head, so he was looking at me. His eyes were red from crying, but I could tell he was slowly becoming sober. We looked at each other in the eyes. His hazel eyes were beautiful. I hate that I had made him cry. It made me feel like a bad person. What kinda person makes the person they love cry? I looked down overthinking things. I let my hand drop slowly. I closed my eyes. The negative thoughts were taking over me. Drowning me in sorrow. 

'What have I done? I made Hinata cry, I made him feel useless. I made him feel like I didn't love him. I made him-'

My thoughts were cut off by lips touching mine. I opened my eyes to see Hinata kissing me. He was crying again. How long had I spaced out? I didn't care at that moment. All I cared about was the person on my lap and making them feel loved. I closed my eyes again, put my hands on his waist, and kissed him back.  

I pulled away remembering that he was drunk.  When I looked into his eyes, I didn't see a haze over them as I had earlier when he was drunk.  He was now sober.

"Hey, Kag," he said looking a bit drowsy.  "I have a headache,"  he said laying his head back on my chest.  I laughed.  

"That is called a hangover, it will be worse in the morning.  But that is what you get for getting drunk with Kenma."  I put my arms around him.  "Hinata," I looked at him.  He took his head off of my chest and looked back at me.  He looked so tired.  He didn't look like his normal self.  "Nevermind," I said looking away at the moon.  Hinata grabbed my face with his hands and made me look at him again.

"No, tell me what you were going to say," he tilted his head.  I didn't say anything at first.  I really wanted him to be mine...

"Hinata, I really like you.  I love hanging out with you.  I love it when you come to practice excited to spike my sets.  I love how you race me and try to beat me at anything and everything." I smiled.  " Shoyo Hinata, will you be my boyfriend?"  Hinata's eyes widened.  He did a little squeal.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course!" He put his arms around my neck and kissed me.

He was finally mine~.


Ok, how was that?!  And remember don't worry things will come to a ruin eventually so our boys Tsukki and Kag can get together!

So pls stick around, and thank you to those of you who have stayed.  It makes me happy.

Feel free to comment some ideas of how I can make it spicier lol

I have so many ideas but I wanna make it better.  ok anyway 


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