26. Tsukki

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So, I have no clue what I'm going to do in this chapter...

Writer's block is fun.  

No clue what's gonna happen so I'll probably just make it up as I go.

(I'm halfway through when writing this little part and I heard the song and thought of an idea and I wanna cry just thinking about it.  Yay, finally a picture that actually has something to do with the story.  But may not be what you think...)

Tsukki POV:

I sit back down on my bed thinking.

Does he really think me, and Yamaguchi are still dating?  Does everyone think that?  Does everyone on the team and at school think we are still together? 

I grab my phone and go to my contacts.  I scroll to find Daichi's number.  I make a mental note that Sugawara is next to call.  I look at the time and see that it was only 7:30 so they shouldn't be asleep.  I click call and at first, nothing happens.  Then the phone begins to ring.  When I thought that no one was going to pick up, Daichi suddenly answers the phone a bit out of breath.

"T-Tsukishima?  You uh- never call me..." He pauses trying to catch his breath a bit more.  "Uh, what's up?"

"Um sorry Daichi-San did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Uhm... not really just uh...." he pauses as I hear someone else talking and him whispering to said person.  "Just um practicing with Suga..."

My face goes red realizing what he meant.

"O-Oh!  I'm so sorry!  I just uh needed to ask you a question.  And um well I needed to ask the team so I guess it's a good thing Suga-San is there with you.  But I'm very sorry I should have texted asking to call first or just texted you the question."

"Oh, it's okay.  But um... make it quick please."  He grunted and my face turned red more.

"R-right um.." I got a bit more serious calming myself down.  "Do you guys think that me and Yamaguchi are still together?"

The other end of the phone stayed silent for a minute.  I could hear that Suga was talking and Daichi was talking with him but that's all I could tell.  I couldn't tell what they were saying.

"Well, Suga says he has noticed you guys acting a bit off for a while, but thought that maybe you guys are just fighting.  I never really phased on anything I just usually focus on how you guys are doing volleyball-wise.  Not to be rude or anything."

"No, no I get it.  Thank you Daichi-San.  And tell Suga-San I said thank you."

"Your welcome sweetie," I heard Suga lightly say in the background.

After that, we hung up.  As much as I hated it I needed to call Tanaka and Nishanoya at some point.  But I decided to avoid their stupidity as long as needed so I called Asahi first.

The phone rang and rang.  After not too long Asahi answered the phone whispering.


"Uh- Asahi-San?"

"Um... Tsukishima?"

"Yeah sorry to interrupt whatever you are doing but I needed to ask you a question.  And I know you and I don't talk but I was thinking about something and needed the teams' opinion."

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