14. Tsukki

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In the comments at the end of this chapter, let me know if you are like getting emotionally attached to the man.

So yea if it wasn't obvious by the title I am continuing where I left off in the first part with Yamaguchi explaining who 'The Man' is.  So yea.

~Tsukki POV~

~third person pov cause Yamaguchi is still telling the story~

"Why did you stop?" The man asked.  "Don't you want to go home?"  Yamaguchi kept his head down. He was holding back tears.  He didn't want to leave because who knew what his father would do if he knew he had fallen for his kidnapper.  But his dad brought that upon himself hadn't he?  His father chose money over his own son.

"I don't want to go back there," he paused.  "With him."  Yamaguchi couldn't hold his tears back anymore.  They began streaming down his cheeks.  The man walked up to him and hugged him.

"Shhh," the man said streaking Yamaguchi's hair.  "It's gonna be ok.  Why don't you want to go home?  Who do you not want to go home to?"  Yamaguchi's tears lessened and he looked up at the man.

"My father... I don't want to go back home to my father.  If he finds out..." Yamaguchi paused and began blushing.  He turned away so the man wouldn't see him blushing.  He still had the blindfold on so he couldn't see the man's facial expression.  The man understood what Yamaguchi was saying but didn't know what Yamaguchi was gonna say before he cut himself short and turned away from the man.  The man put a hand under Yamaguchi's chin and made him face the man.  The man saw a slight red tint on Yamaguchi's cheeks.  The man smirked.

"What were you gonna say, Yamaguchi?" Yamaguchi didn't say anything at first.

"I was gonna say-," Yamaguchi began mumbling the rest.  The man asked him to repeat himself a few times but Yamaguchi went quiet at the same part every time.  The man was getting very frustrated by this.  The man brought up his hand and struck Yamaguchi across the face.  Yamaguchi was stunned at first but calmed down very fast.  He looked at the man.

"Do it again," Yamaguchi said.  The Man was taken aback by what he heard Yamaguchi had just said.

"W-What?!" He had gotten too mad to realize what he was doing when he slapped Yamaguchi.  So when he became aware of his actions again, he thought Yamaguchi was going to be scared of him and cower away and not want to be near him.  

"I said do it again."  Yamaguchi was looking at the man through the blindfold.  

No, I'm not going to slap you again!  I didn't mean to slap you the first time!  I don't want to hurt you..." The Man's voice was becoming quiet.  Yamaguchi knew the man had turned his head away.  Yamaguchi knew what would make him made enough to slap him again.  Yamaguchi grabbed the side of the man's face.  The Man had his hands around Yamaguchi's waist and didn't know what Yamaguchi was planning.  The Man felt a hand on his cheek and didn't fight it.  He let the hand move his head.  When he did, he was hit with a kiss from Yamaguchi.  The man's eyes widened with surprise.  Yamaguchi had kissed him this time.  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.  This was going to be one of their last.  Yamaguchi pulled away from the kiss leaving The Man confused.

"No," Yamaguchi slightly yelled frustrated.  "No, no, no!  You were supposed to be mad at me!"  Yamaguchi was getting upset now.  He wanted The Man to slap him again.  He loved the pain it caused him.  It turned him on.  It made him think things.  He began crying.  The Man couldn't do anything but stand there wondering what was going on.  

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MAD AND SLAP ME!  YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SLAP ME BECAUSE I KISSED YOU FIRST!!!  BECAUSE I F***ING FELL FOR YOU."   Yamaguchi's tears were streaming down his cheeks.  The Man was surprised at the words he had just heard Yamaguchi scream.  He tried to wipe away Yamaguchi's tears, but they were coming too fast.  They had soaked through the clothing that was his blindfold.  Now sure The Man had fallen for Yamaguchi but he had made a deal with Yamaguchi's dad saying he would give Yamaguchi back to him.  But Yamaguchi didn't want to go home yet.  And his father hadn't sounded like he really cared about Yamaguchi considering he took no time to take up the part of the deal where he took Yamaguchi or one of his siblings unless his father gave him the money.  

"Yamaguchi," The Man put his hand on Yamaguchi's right cheek, the other hand still on Yamaguchi's waist.  "I'm not going to get mad and slap you just because you kissed me.  That is silly." He smiled but Yamaguchi kept his eyes closed.  "Yamaguchi, did you mean what you said?"

"What do you mean?  What did I say that wasn't clear to you?" Yamaguchi was getting a bit of an attitude now.  The Man was trying to keep his anger under control to keep himself from slapping Yamaguchi. 

"I mean do you really mean you fell for me?"  The Man wasn't sure what Yamaguchi was going to say.  Part of him was hoping Yamaguchi would say yes, but part of him wanted Yamaguchi to say no because he would have to send Yamaguchi home and he would never see Yamaguchi again except maybe at a distance like a stalker.  When he looked down at Yamaguchi, he was bright red.

"W-When did I say that..." He mumbled.  The Man laughed.

"After you did this," he said leaning in and kissing Yamaguchi.  Yamaguchi wrapped his arms around The Mans's neck.  The Man tried to pull away but Yamaguchi wouldn't let him.  When Yamaguchi finally let The Man break away from the kiss, The Man laughed.  Yamaguchi was blushing the whole time.  The man looked down at Yamaguchi who had his head laying on The Man's chest.  The Man closed his eyes thinking of an idea he had just had.

"Hey Yamaguchi," he said opening his eyes looking back at Yamaguchi.  Yamaguchi with his eyes still closed looked up at the man to signal that he was listening.  "I'll make you a deal."

"Mm and what is this deal you are offering me?" Yamaguchi said grinning.

"Only if you want to but, if you open your eyes, and keep them open," The Man sighed.  "I will tell you my name."  Yamaguchi thought this deal through.

"Hmm," he put his finger to his chin thinking.  "That doesn't seem like a very fair deal.  It doesn't really matter if I know your name if I'm never going to see you again, and on that note why does it matter if I open my eyes your just going to cover them again to take me back to my family." Yamaguchi looked away.  He could feel tears filling his eyes again.  He didn't want to cry again.  The Man noticed this and began to feel bad.  

"Ok, how about this deal, and again this is only if you really want to okay?"

"Yamaguchi wiped his tears.  "Okay."  The man sighed.

"If you open your eyes, I will tell you my name..." The Man knew what he wanted to say but he wasn't sure if he should.  Screw it what did he have left to lose?  

"I will let you stay here, with me, as long as you want."




So are ya'll like emotionally attached to 'The Man' yet?😏

Do ya'll ship them?  🤭

I know I'm starting to. 😌❤️

Anyway, I know I say this a lot but I mean it every time!  

Thank You for reading!

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