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𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐 - 𝙰𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚑

At the Wheelers residence, Mike cleans El up in the basement bathroom with a wet rag. Dustin and Beatrice sit on the couch as they hear a walkie-talkie go off. It sounds as if Lucas might be in trouble, so Dustin rushes to the bathroom to get the other kids, unintentionally ruining a moment.

"Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin reminds as they all walk away from the bathroom.


"What if he found it?" Bea asks, handing Mike the walkie-talkie.

They couldn't make out Lucas' words as he was shouting indistinctly on the radio. "What's he saying?"

"I don't know, he's way out of range."

"Guys." Bea spoke quietly, "Guys!" Their heads snap up at her, surprised at her sudden outburst. "Um, I've got a banshee feeling again."

Dustin and Mike look at each other as Lucas shouts, "The bad men are coming." This causes the boys to run up the stairs, leaving the girls in the basement.

"Ban-shee?" El asks the girl. She racked her brain at the time she first heard the word, but she couldn't remember what it meant.

Quickly, Beatrice explained, "Um, we're, like, 99% sure, but we think I'm a banshee. Long story short: I predict death." She shrugs as El nods.

Mike and Dustin sprint downstairs and grab the girls. They run out the back doors and get onto their bikes. Eleven going on Mike's, of course.

The strange thing is that when they get to their front lawn, Eleven wasn't the only one the bad men were looking at. Beatrice makes eye contact with the man with grey hair as his eyes widen slightly.

The kids quickly peddle away and all the men rush back into their vans to follow them. I wonder if they have candy. Get it? Van with candy in it. Sorry. I'll stop now. I thought it was funny.

"Dustin, do you copy" You could hear Lucas' voice through the walkie-talkie attached to Dustin's bike.

Panting, Dustin answers, "Yeah, Lucas, they're on us."

"Where are you?"

"Cornwallis." He named the sign they just passed.

"Meet me at Elm and Cherry!"

He pressed his headphones. "Copy. Elm and Cherry!" Dustin let's his other friends know where to meet Lucas.

As they make a turn, they see two of the vans following behind them. Mike shows his friends a short cut, going through a playground. When they meet Lucas, they come to a stop, their wheels skidding.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"I think we lost them." All three boys spoke out of breath.

"No. No, we didn't lose them." Bea disagrees, gesturing her head behind the group.

They all start to peddle away again with Mike constantly yelling 'go' over and over again. As they ride down the street, another van comes up in front of them. It seems as if it wasn't going to stop. It might run them over!

Eleven uses her powers to lift the van and flip it over them. All the kids stare in awe at the van over their heads. They keep on biking away, and they don't stop — not even to glance back, until they're in the junkyard.

When there, they jump off their bikes quickly, freaking out because of what just happened. El sits in the grass as she takes a breather. Lucas apologizes to both Eleven and Mike, and they apologize back. Mike and Lucas shake on it. Everyone becomes friends again!

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