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𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚎𝚜 - 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚎

"Lucas, what's going on?" Bea shouts as she, Dustin, and Steve all look out the bus' windows.

"Hold on!" He called from above with Max. "I've got eyes!" The boy yelled down once he saw it. "Ten o'clock! Ten o'clock!"

The three spot Dart. "What's he doing?" Dustin asks the two next to him.

"I don't know," Steve and Bea answer.

"He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Bea repeats as she begins to panic.

"Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin suggests.

"Maybe he's sick of cow." Steve realized as he slowly backed away from the window.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Dustin asks as Steve picks up his bat with the nails and walks towards the bus door.

The older boy turns to the two of them, "Just get ready." He passes his lighter to Beatrice, trusting her more than Dustin with fire.

He slowly opened the bus door, stepping out as he raised his bat to be ready for attack. The door creaks as Dustin closes it behind him. Max comes back down to the others as they watch Steve from the window.

"What's he doing?" She asks.

"Expanding the menu." Dustin jokes with a serious face. He is joking, right? Right?

Watching Steve from the bus, Bea came to the realization that he looks like every idiot in every horror movie who follows the sound and yells 'who's there?' when they're supposed to be home alone.

Basically, what she means is; Steve Harrington is an idiot. A total, complete, idiotic dingus!

Max shook her head with fear. "He's insane."

"He's awesome," Dustin corrects as he stares in awe at his new friend.

"What an idiot." Bea concludes as she stands in between Dustin and Max.

She heard Max snort from her comment, and she could feel Dustin's glare to the side of her head since she disrespected Steve 'The Hair' Harrington.

The fog clears as they're able to see Dart more clearer now. "Steve, watch out!" Lucas yells from the top of the bus. "Three o'clock! Three o'clock!"

"Shit! There's more? I thought it was just Dart! Did Dart have babies? Did Dart get another demogorgon pregnant? Are these his kids or friends? What if he's a grandpa already? That happened so fast! How do we know if Dart is even a 'he'? What if this whole time, Dart was a 'she'?" Beatrice rambles as she steps backwards into one of the bus seats.

She's scared. For her. For Max. For Dustin. For Lucas. For — especially now — Steve. For Will and Mike who have been AWOL the past two days. She's just really, really scared.

"Bea. Bea! It's okay. You're okay. Everything's going to be okay." Max soothes her friend as she tries to not laugh at her friend's questions. She knows it's not a good time to laugh or a good thing to laugh at, but Dart being pregnant is kind of funny to think about.

When Beatrice calmed down, she noticed that Steve was back in the bus. Dustin had grabbed his attention, and after fighting some of the creatures off, he was safely in the bus. She was pushed to the back of the bus by Max, Lucas and Dustin followed as Steve attacked the monster that was trying to get in.

A claw almost hits Bea as it scratches through the back of the bus. The four kids scream as Dustin calls for help from his walkie-talkie. They stand from the back and place themselves in the middle of the bus. Though, that wasn't much safer.

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