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𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝚃𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝙱𝚛𝚢𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜

Once school had ended, Mike went to call the Byers to find out if Will was home. As he walked back from the pay phone, he reached the party.

"Anything?" Bea asked worriedly. She was sitting on the steps with her leg bouncing up and down.

"We need to talk. AV room. Right now." He yelled to them as he opened the door. "Party members only." He narrowed his eyes at Max.

"Come on, Mike."

"I will initiate her right now if I have to!" Bea protested.

"No! This is non-negotiable."

"Sorry Max."


They watched as the boys walked in. "This is bull! You know what? I'm gonna boycott. Yep! I'm staying right here with you until they let you join the party." Beatrice decided to Max and she sat right next to the girl.

"It's okay. Go." Bea shook her head stubbornly. "Who's going to fill me in if you're out here."

"Lucas~," Bea teased as Max looked down to hide her blush.

Beatrice had a suspicion that her friends liked each other, but she feels bad for Dustin. She's almost one hundred percent positive that he has a thing for the redhead as well.

Max shook her head and ignored the suggestion, "Seriously, Bea, go. I'll be okay."

"Ugh! Fine!" Bea gave in as she walked back into the school and went to where the boys were.

When she reached them, Mike was explaining what Will asked him and Bea to not tell the others on Halloween. But, right now, they have to know. It took a while to explain because the two explaining barely knew anything. And that's because the one who told them barely knows anything either.

"So what do we do?" Lucas asks.

"We acquire more knowledge. I'll go to Will's later. See what's going on." Mike says as he plans on what he's going to do when he gets there.

Bea nodded. "We'll stay here and look for Dart."

"Dart? What's he gotta do with this?" Dustin asks.

"Will heard him in the Upside Down." Bea explained with a 'duh' tone. They need to find him and make sure he's taken care of.

"I don't know how yet, but he's gotta be connected to all this. He's gotta be. If we find Dart, maybe we can solve this thing." Mike added.

"Maybe we can help Will."

The party broke apart. Lucas and Dustin began searching for Dart, while Bea followed Mike out of the school doors.

"Hey, Mike!"

He spoke quickly as he continued to walk, "Sorry. I'm going to Will's. Do you want to come with me?"

"No. Well, I can't. Gotta look for Dart and all. But I was wondering if any of these could help," she pulled her art book out of her backpack and handed it to the boy.

He took note of what was in her hand as he hesitantly brought out his hand. "You're giving me your drawing book?"

"Yeah. It could help with something. And I like to call it a 'Banshee Book' because it makes it sound badass." She nodded.

"Okay." He chuckled. "I'll make sure they see these. Are you sure you can't come?"

"I really want to. Trust me, I do. But, I can't. Sorry. Let me know how it goes!" Beatrice shouts as they walk backwards from each other.

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