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While sitting on the bleachers, Mike stands up from checking his watch and runs out the gym doors looking for his sister and Jonathan. When he gets back, he quickly tells his friends, "They're gone. Nancy and Jonathan are gone."

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin shrugs.

"Ew." "Gross." Bea and Lucas gag.

"No. No way!"

Dustin wonders, "Did they go with the chief?"

"I don't know."

"No." The girls looked at each other after they said the same thing.

Mike turns to them. "What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?"

"Yes." Eleven answers.

Dustin taps Beatrice's shoulder. "Is it the banshee thing?"

"Yeah." Bea nods.

"Where? Where did they go?"

"Demogorgon." The girls reply in unison.

Beatrice gets up from her seat and walks towards the pool. How did she know that? Yeah, maybe she's a banshee now — whatever that means — but it doesn't make sense. And to make matters worse is that Will is still there. The place where her sister died.

She can hear the boys talking but it's all overpowered by the static in her ears. She hates this. She hates being a banshee. What's the point of being supernatural if all you do is hear a noise all the time and scream at the top of your lungs when someone dies?

It's stupid and useless.

"Hey." Bea jumps at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. She turns around to see Lucas. "Dustin and I are going to get chocolate pudding. Do you want to come?"

Bea nods, "Yeah, sure." As they start to walk to Dustin, Bea looks back at Mike and El. She sends a suggestive wink towards them.

"Bea, are you okay?" Dustin asked, referring to what Eleven confirmed a couple minutes ago as they left the gymnasium.

"Um, yeah, I guess. I mean, I already knew that she was gone, but now it's just so much more real. I just hope that they find Will. I don't think I could lose him too, knowing that Barb is actually dead." The boys nod in agreement.

"Yeah, even though Ericas annoying, I don't know what I'd do without her." Lucas puts it into his perspective.

Bea defends the young girl, "Erica isn't that bad."

"Oh, yeah? Try living with her." He scoffs, which resulted in the other two laughing.

Dustin opens the fridge door and yells, "Found it! I knew she was hoarding it. I knew it." He mutters about the school's lunch lady.

"Yeah." Lucas agrees as he grabs some pudding with them.

"Always lying, saying she's out." He scoffs.

"Bald-faced liar." Bea insults, grabbing herself some of the chocolate goo.

"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin yells to Mike who's in the cafeteria with Eleven.

They hear the boy yell an 'okay!' back as they focus on the chocolate pudding once again. They keep grabbing more and more. Once they have enough, the three of them run into the lunch room with plastic trays of it.

"This'll charge your battery right up. I'm telling you." Dustin tells Eleven as the kids start to open their pudding.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike yells frantically, sprinting into the cafeteria.

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