Return By Death: Arc 1 - The Beginning Of It All

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(I know I've only just started another story but I'm sorry but I love Re:Zero and I've seen other stories on Izuku having Return by Death and I suddenly started getting a burst of ideas, this one might be getting updated more frequently)

Numbness is all Izuku could feel a his strolled through the bustling streets making his way home.

'Come on don't cry you knew this was the reality even All Might said it'

As he wiped the tears beginning to form in the corner of his eyes sudden screams of shock alerted is attention to a crowd near him.

'What's going on is this about the explosion I saw earlier, I must've walked here subconsciously?'

The greenette managed to push through the swarm of people, managing to catch a glance of the villain almost falling backwards at the sight.

'I-It's the sludge villain b-but how did he escape is it when I jumped on All Might w-which means this is my fault!!'

"We need a hero who can get that kid out," Kamui Woods grunted in annoyance

"I know but there's no other heroes around dammit if only All Might was here!" Death arms yelled in frustration.

Izuku stared longer at the slime villain slashing and thrusting about, before noticing a figure in the creature.

'Someone's in there and there managing to hold out I thought I'd be dead within seconds'

Squinting his eyes to get a better look, Izuku quickly noticed a familiar lock of spiky blonde hair along with an all to known quirk.

'KACCHAN!!!' Izuku mentally screamed not hesitating to run out into the chaos

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET BACK HERE!!!" A hero ordered out to him only to fall under deaf ears

Dodging a incoming slash from the villain, Izuku took his bag of his shoulders thrusting it towards the sludge only for it to be quickly pushed away.

"You really think that's gonna work, hey would you look at that your the kid from before I'll admit you got balls but it's over now!!" The sludge announced raising his hands in the air before bringing it downwards.

It was over quickly, Izuku felt immense pain as he was crushed into the ground screaming out in a final attempt for help, but it didn't come.

Izuku Midoriya died.

Izuku was left in a daze as he stared at his now shaking hands, he was sure he had just died infact he was certain of it what other pain could that have been.

'Was it all a premonition is all of that really going to happen!!'

His inner monologue was answered when a sudden explosion from a couple blocks away left the teenager shaken.

'This can't be real I was sure I died but now I'm back on this rooftop is this because of someone's quirk or is it.... is it mine?'

The greenette rushed towards the stairs quickly leaving the building and heading down the street.

'It doesn't matter right now what this power is I'm going to use it to save Kacchan!!'

Izuku instantly stormed through the crowd out into the chaos ignoring the yells from behind him.

"It's you again!!" The sludge growled swinging at the greenette taken aback by the boys reflex's.

'I've seen this before!!'

He jumped at the villain grabbing at the sludge digging away at only to be caught in the face by one of Bakugo's explosions(that he set off in as a way to escape), temporarily distracting him.

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