The Entrance Exam

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(I'm writing another chapter yet again, a new chapter for my main story should be out soon)

Izuku was currently pushing a refrigerator up the beach struggling as he did so, "Come on young Midoriya is that all you've got!!" All Might ordered pumping his fist up and down.

"This is a lot harder than it looks!!" Izuku gasped eventually falling over landing flat on his face.

'I wonder if I can use Return by death to get rid of my exhaustion'  He dryly joked to himself

"I think it's about time we take a break you have already cleaned up about a quarter of the beach," All Might suggested getting an immediate response from the boy.

As, the two sat down Izuku could almost feel that All Might wanted to ask something," U-um All Might i-is t-there something y-you n-need from me?" He questioned.

"AH was I really that obvious?" All Might chuckled bringing his hand to his head.

"Well now that you've brought it up I can't help but be curious, when you fought that sludge villain you anticipated his attacks almost like you knew what was going to happen?" The pro hero queried.

'Shit he asked the one thing I didn't want him to ask!'

"W-well you s-s-see A-All Might," Izuku paused relentlessly trying to come up with an answer.

He sighed in defeat before speaking again, "All Might if I'm being completely honest I can Return by-" The world suddenly slowed down, Izuku could feel a hand sliding up to his heart before clamping down onto it stopping him from speaking.

After a little while, the hand realised it's grip leaving Izuku gasping for air clutching onto his chest, "Young Midoriya are you alright you started speaking but suddenly started breathing heavily," All Might asked anxiously. 

'What was that something grabbed onto my heart I thought I was gonna die!!'

"Sorry All Might I don't know what happened what I was trying to say is that I can Return by d-" He was once again stopped this time the pain in his chest much greater than before.

'No way d-don't tell me.... I can't tell anyone about Return by death!!'

"Young Midoriya are you sure you don't need a doctor you seem to be in a lot of pain?" The blonde hero was now frantic only seconds away from turning into his buff form and sprinting off to recovery girl.

"N-no All Might I'm fine really I think I've just overworked myself a little that's all," Izuku lied not letting go of his chest afraid the pain would still be there if he did.

The next 10 months were a grueling experience, having to swim laps around the beach, which was then continued by more of cleaning the beach.

Once, his time had finally come to an end, Izuku found himself rushing to pick up the remaining pieces of trash.

"N-no way.... I didn't f-f-finish in time," Izuku realized depressingly hanging his head

A sudden hand alerted Izuku to lift his head up, "I'm sorry Young Midoriya but as you haven't finished in time..." All Might explained

Izuku turned around giving the pro-hero a shaky smile, "Y-yeah I understand All Might don't worry this was my own fault," The greenette smiled before hanging his head as he speed walked away.

The next day, the entrance exam had finally arrived and for Izuku it didn't matter if he didn't manage to complete All Might's task, he was still going to try and pass the exams.

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