That Twisted String Of Fate

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(Not much to say, let's just get into this chapter! I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku hadn't felt a sensation quite like this before, it was sending a scratching chill spreading from his arms, to the back of his nape before fixing down his spine.

One for All worked in perfect unison with the unkempt uproar throughout his body, letting him blur with absolute ease through the empty streets of Hosu; the blaring flames miles away backlighting him.

Once again, Izuku sunk his feet into the side of a building indenting the bricks into it. He swung his arms back gaining the speed that allowed him to pummel Elsa into the stomach before she could even see it coming.

It wasn't like the Bowel Hunter had gotten sloppy, she had be dancing around a fair few of his attempted attacks. But Izuku had slowly been gaining in his accelerated series of jumps, even sometimes leaving her heightened sense of vision.

It had been a short few minutes since the confrontation had began and Izuku was already putting his knowledge of his first bout with Elsa to work.

He knew she was faster than him, but that wasn't the point. He had enhanced speed and strength that was only at 5% so it made sense.

Elsa was incredibly skilled in combat, reflexes, knives and her own tenacity was just as, if not more frightening than anything he'd seen before.

All of that was only the beginning pileup, her satiated bloodlust for cutting people's stomach as if they were zipper bags made her even more dangerous than she already was.

How exactly would Izuku cancel out her regeneration out was the main crux in his plan, Beatrice had said it had its limits so was just possible that he could find a way to cancel it out.

'I have to try, if I can just beat Elsa!! Than I can make it through those Mabeast's and save Iida. She's the one obstacle I have to overcome!!'

"You've certainly thought this fight out haven't you? Keeping your distance while still attacking me, just what did you talk about with that little girl, I wonder!" Izuku felt his eye twitch, not only did she know about Beatrice but now there was the opportunity for her to kill her.

'Can spirits be killed? I'm not sure I want to find out..'

Sparking his explosive emerald lightning, Izuku ripped through the tarmac road. His feet too much for even his eyes to keep up with.

'Is this really 5%, this feels too fast?'

It didn't matter though, he flung his foot forward much like you would a baseball bat. Only this one would have the output of a 100 times.

As expected, Elsa blocked and dodged against any chance of the shrapnel the wind had picked up, stopping any from piercing her.

'In that one move, she guessed everything I'd do. I can only fight her like this because I've looped so many times, yet she only needs one...she really is a monster'

"You could stop looking at me with such lustful gazes, I'm an attractive lady that much I know...but it's just bad etiquette."

"Your one to talk, Bowel Hunter!!" His tone had come out harsher than wanted, he was letting his emotions get the better of him.

"That's right come at me with that anger! It'll be delightful to crumble!!" Elsa had her own sense of ecstasy as she spoke, her eyes salivating at the thought.

He wouldn't have it, he had the power gifted from the number one hero. He had the knowledge from multiple retries and a four-hundred year old spirit.

He'd see this through to the end!

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