What's Yours To Inherit

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(Final chapter of the arc here, that is if I feel like I can wrap it up with 3000 words and then there's he aftermath of everything afterwards. But I hope you enjoy, because the arc was a lot of fun to write, especially with all the set pieces that come together..)

This was it.

The loop that Izuku wanted, the one he needed to get to assure that no one was dead and his foes were. 

Struggling for a moment to adjust his eyes, Izuku sank into the soft, fluffy seating of the train car, basking in his only second of peace before he would have to leave it.

Not that he was feeling doubtful, after everything that had happened not in the last loop but all of them; it was somewhat vindicating to know that every painful death he'd endured and been at the mercy of was all about to be worth it.

"What're you zoning out for youngin', you need to get focused. We'll be reaching our location soon.."

'No, we definitely will not be..'

"Sorry, I need the bathroom I'll be back in a bit.." He didn't mean to sound melancholy but that had just how it had ended up slipping out.

In truth, Izuku was feeling the most determined he ever had. But he wasn't going to stay hopeful for to long, he was still having his own dilemma.

Would he except the help from those who were willing, like Todoroki who had been the catalyst to aiding him in finally stopping Elsa, using his flames to burn her to death.

He couldn't forget Iida or Stain either...if he didn't make it over there then his friend would surely be killed by the purging villain who believed he was in the right.

And lastly, the lurking Mabeast that were hidden within the depths of Hosu. They were clearly attracted to the sent of Satella, and now that he'd used Return by Death it would be exponentially heightened.

Now that he laid it out in his mind, that really was a lot. Was he just naive to think he could stop it all by himself, or throughout all of this did he only have faith in himself.

'...I'll fight her once more!! This'll be my last match with the Bowel Hunter!'

Making it onto the train car roof, Izuku flipped off the side of it with hardly any problem, not even needed a run anymore to activate Full Cowling and make it to the other rooftops.

Elsa would close in on him soon enough, she just always seemed to know his next move. It was another factor that only added to the intense fear that riddled off of her.

As he ran, he predictably caught wind of her signature whistling blade cutting through the air, being sharply batted away with a single sway of Izuku's foot.

Of course, her timing was impeccable - taking her own time to distract him with her Kukri knife, getting directly into his personal space, preparing to carve into him.

But after every loop of confrontation, Izuku had finally began to see it. Even someone as deadly, experienced and skilled as her had her own pattern of attacks. Izuku flipped under the incoming swipes, trying to sneak in an easy kick at her legs.

She evaded it of course, throwing her own foot up into the air, barely missing him as she dug her own purple heels into the concrete roof. 

"Fast. I know that we've never met before, I'd remember the cute face. So how do you know my movements so well, what a mystery.."

Speaking up with her first set off words for the fight, Elsa sounded the must disinterested she had in all of the other loops. Izuku didn't know why though, she'd be plenty invested when he had landed severe smashes to her skull before.

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