The Girl In The Forbidden Library

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(And now were back with another chapter, I'm pretty excited for this chapter as I get to introduce Beatrice into the story I hope you enjoy!!)

(Also just so you know most of this chapter is a lot of exposition that Beatrice will be telling Izuku because we gotta get him ready for the final fight!!)

"Who are you I suppose?" The young girl questioned slapping the book in her lap shut

'W-where am I is this because of someone's quirk?'

"How rude in fact to ignore Betty's questions," The girl huffed pouting slightly

"A-ah s-sorry my name's Izuku Midoriya," He introduced himself extending his hand out her dainty fingers wrapping around them.

"Now as Betty knows your name I will tell you mine," 

Hopping off the stool she was sitting on, the girl stood in front of Izuku.

"I am Beatrice the Great Spirit of the Forbidden Library," 

"Forbidden Library," Izuku murmured to himself looking around the room.

"Betty is the library's caretaker in fact," Beatrice spoke up

"I'm a b-bit confused B-Beatrice I'm sure I was about to enter the archive's in the back of the library... so how did I end up in here?" Izuku questioned receiving a irritated sigh from the girl.

"That is something even Betty doesn't know I'm am quite annoyed that you managed to break through my door crossing so easily I suppose," Beatrice replied clicking her tongue

"This is really incredible, the actual library might not even be as big as this one and you've managed to hide it in the little archives in the back your quirk really is amazing!!" Izuku exclaimed getting closer to the girl.

"Get away from Betty your making her uncomfortable in fact!!" Beatrice declared embarrassed from the sudden praise.

"S-s-sorry that's a bad habit of mine when I see a new quirk that I think is cool," Izuku swiftly apologized.

"Betty has no idea what you mean when you say she has a quirk this is simply Betty using her magic," 

'Magic surely she must mean her quirk, and come to think of it why is a 12-year-old a caretaker of a hidden library?'

"Assuming your lack of response I'd take it you don't know what Betty is talking about?" Beatrice guessed staring at Izuku's bewildered face. 

"To start Betty isn't exactly from this world..." She stated


"W-w-what d-do y-you mean b-by that B-Beatrice?" Izuku stammered in shock

"Well Betty is technically from another world but due to what happened centuries ago there seemed to be a spilt and Betty was asked by someone important to her to stay here in this world to guard the Forbidden Library," Beatrice explained not leaving any opportunities for Izuku to intervene.

'I guess I should ignore that she said centuries right.... RIGHT!!!'

"And Betty's magic lets her pass mana through her gate which is where her power is stored, Betty is most efficient with Yin magic in fact," 

"Wait wait wait, one more thing just came to mind if your saying that there was a split centuries ago with our worlds, then how are you alive and haven't aged?" Izuku questioned placing his fingers on his scrunched up nose in frustration.

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