A Cruel Aftermath

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(It's the always loved aftermath chapter, this is mainly just to wrap up and set up some further plot points, so I hope you enjoy!)

Hands wriggled about in an uncontrollable fit, spurring out in multiple directions attempting to reach out an escape the knotted trap they found themselves in, tucked inside of Izuku Midoriya's soul.

Satella hadn't wanted this, she'd gifted him the Authority of Sloth as a way to link the two of them further together, it was a sign of their love, something that could never be torn away from him, yet her beloved was suffering because of it.

Just as the Archbishops beforehand had fallen prey to, the disgusting presence that Petelguese had riddled in his soul all of them had been lost in the tantalizing madness of the Authority.

It had led to Izuku showing Satella a twisted, cursed side of him that she couldn't understand, she should've still be enticed by him, but now she just wanted nothing more but to seem him in his usual state.

She didn't want her love to suffer any further, yet he would and had repeatedly. Every time she had brought him back, making sure he would never have a proper death it brought her as much pain as Izuku had felt.

But what else was there she could do to stop this fate from being passed on to him, to keep him safe no matter what.

"I love you, I love you more than anything. I want to keep you safe, I want to make sure your kept tucked away, I want to keep the same as you were before."

Recalling back to every moment that Izuku had died, either to save his friends, or to pass an exam to become a hero or to simply defeat a foe standing in his way.

"So why do you still take you own life, at the cost of your own body and mind for them. Why."

Sitting up, Izuku took a quick glance around the room and came to the conclusion that he was in a hospital room. He could draw nothing but a blank about how he'd ended up here, all he remembered was...

Well he didn't want to think back on that. 

After all of it, scolding Iida for recklessly going out on a revenge mission against Stain and stopping him from doing so, it wasn't what a hero would do.

And yet, he had got involved and once the battle had been won he had watched the Hero Killer be mauled alive by the hoard of Mabeasts. He'd done nothing to stop it, it was more like he'd endorsed it, watching with some level of joy as his inside were thrown up and around the alley.

What did it matter though? He hadn't been a hero for a long time, that had all ended when Izuku had killed Petelguese in cold blood, with no remorse whatsoever, he'd felt no guilt and shame towards what he had done.

But he'd done it again, what a hypocrite. Acting like he was someone righteous, telling Iida it wasn't a heroic thing to do kill someone and yet he'd done it right before his eyes, with a smile beginning to creep up his face.

'Unseen Hand...I can't, I won't use it again. Not if makes me do something like that, I was never planning to kill Stain, I just didn't want Iida to ever become someone like me..'

Elsa was a different story, if she wasn't stopped properly than her tenacity and hyper regeneration would instantly put a stop to any plan he had.

She was a monster, but some who fought truthfully and to the bitter end, Izuku may have despised her but he could still respect that. Killing her was needed, there was no other way that she could've been bested, not someone with tenacity like hers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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