The USJ: Arc 2 - Suffering At The Simulation Joint

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(Back at it again, I'm really excited to cover this arc I have a lot of things planned for it so I hope you enjoy)

Izuku awoke in his room covered in a cold sweat, yet again he'd had another nightmare it had been the same for the past couple of days. He'd be with his friends before everything turned black and a purple hand would impale him.

'It just keeps getting worse and worse I'm starting to feel as if it's a bad omen'

Sunlight met his eyes as it peaked through his blinds, "Guess it's morning already," He murmured throwing his blanket into the air.

'Oh yeah were going on a trip somewhere today I thought they would've postponed it considering the break in yesterday'

Pulling his shirt over himself, Izuku made his way into the kitchen finding his mother had left his breakfast and a note.

'Guess she had to work early again'

He sat himself down digging into the meal.

After arriving at school everyone was swiftly moved onto a bus, "So what do you think we'll be doing today Deku?" Uraraka questioned walking up to him.

"Well Aizawa said we'd have to go to a specialized location so I doubt it'll be fighting," Izuku answered beginning to go on another one of his murmur sprees.

"Midoriya it's time to get onto the bus make sure you move in a single file!!" Iida announced

"Wait Deku is that what your wearing?" the brunette questioned

"Oh well my costume got a bit beaten up during battle training so this is what they gave me as a substitute," Izuku replied.

Everyone not wanting to hear the class president shout anymore hurried onto the bus.

After a while the bus came to a stop outside a building yet again hurrying outside as to not anger Iida, "Wait I think I've heard about this place," Izuku spoke under his breath.

"IT'S THIRTEEN!!!" Uraraka yelled out pointing forward bringing everyone's attention towards the hero in a spacesuit.

"Well it's nice to see that I have some fans anyway welcome to the USJ also known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint," Thirteen spoke up

"Enough dawdling let's get inside," Aizawa interrupted appearing from seemingly nowhere

Once they had walked inside they taken away by the sheer size and variety of it all having sections for oceans, fire, earthquakes and ever cities, "Today's training will be on rescuing, the USJ was specifically made for the task of simulating what any kind of rescue situation could be," Thirteen explained.

In the corner of his eye, Izuku caught sight of a purple mist forming at the centre of the plaza seeming to be growing in size.

'Is this part of the training?'

"Cool UA even got fake villains," Kirishima exclaimed staring down at the now giant portal that now had dozens of people crawling out of it.

The shocked look and widened eyes on Aizawa's face was setting off all the red flags that something was wrong.

"Kaminari try to contact UA this is serious," Aizawa ordered pulling his goggles down shielding his eyes.

Not a second later did the blonde respond, "I can't somethings jamming the communications it's just static coming through,"

'There must be another person with an electric quirk'

Soon enough the purple mist shrunk as a small blue haired man emerged from out of it along with a muscular bird creature.

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