The USJ.....Again

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(Another chapter I think I've decided to post on this story weekly since it's just for fun, new chapter for Awakened should be out Friday or Saturday enjoy!!)

Once again Izuku's eyes shot open glancing at his classmates that were beginning to board the bus.

'The problems just keep getting bigger and bigger!!'

"Hey Deku are you alright?" Uraraka questioned seemingly appearing out of nowhere

"Don't worry Uraraka I'm fine," Izuku snapped, his eyes looking annoyed and frustrated, he quickly rushed onto the bus.

Izuku sat himself down immediately starting to plan out what he was going to do at the USJ.

'I have a plan for how Me, Mineta and Asui can escape the shipwreck zone but the main problem is afterword's, now I have make sure that villain doesn't turn Asui to dust but I don't know how his quirk works'

'Then again even if I get thrown around like a ragdoll afterwards I did manage to break his arm and now that I think about it my arm wasn't broken afterwards'

"But then comes the problem of that Betelgeuse person he seemed to be working with the villains but not as some henchman like the other villains'

Another thought came up in the greenette's head causing him to silently sniff under his armpits searching for any kind of smell.

'He said I smelt of the witches love but what exactly does that mean'

"Hey asu-," He stopped himself when the image of the frog girl turning to ashes flashed in his mind vomit threatening to spill out of his throat.

"Are you alright Midoriya 'Kero', " Asui croaked bringing her finger to her chin

"A-a-ah w-well I was wondering if I smell?" He questioned quickly becoming embarrassed

Tsuyu raised her eyebrows in an expression the could only be read as confusion, shaking her head from the hesitation she brought her nose to him lightly smelling him.

"Well apart from a little sweat you don't really smell atleast not enough for anyone to notice, but I ask that you don't make me do that again it's a bit embarrassing," Asui explained a small brush of pink showing on her cheeks.

"Y-yeah sorry about that I j-just thought I did," Izuku chuckled anxiously a big grin on his face.

'Forgetting about that for now there's only other thing that I need to deal with, that guys quirk seemed to be strong, he was able to bring out a swarm of purple hands and I don't know the versatility is has'

Taking a look at Iida who was yelling at Bakugo, Izuku remembered yet another detail from his last loop.

'That portal villain said that one of us managed to escape and if I had to guess especially since Iida was one of the people who wasn't caught in the mist it's a good chance that he's the one that escaped'

'So if he's going to UA to get help then it's a good chance that All Might will end up coming so'

"I just have to stall and keep everyone alive until he arrives," Izuku murmured taking his hand off of his chin the bus coming to a halt.

'So I'm here again'

Feeling the cold sensation crawling up his body once again, Izuku was glad to see that nothing had changed from the last loop watching as Asui planted her feet into the incoming villain.

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