One Final Attempt

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(Sorry for leaving this story for 2 weeks I just wanted to take a break from it and make sure I ended the USJ arc properly, I even re-watched Re:Zero so I hope you enjoy)

"Idoriya, Midoriya, MIDORIYA!!" A sharp voice rang through Izuku's ears snapping him awake, along with a light flick to his forehead.

"Deku what the hells going on with you what are you spacing out for!?" Bakugo growled his hands flailing in front of his face.

"Huh," Izuku responded in a daze

'Oh right I Returned by death again'

"Good you finally replied now get onto the bus or else we'll be late to the USJ," Aizawa ordered shoving Izuku closer towards the bus.

'Did Betelgeuse take over my body, how am I supposed to counteract that'

'So there's Betelgeuse, the villains and now I have to somehow stop him from taking over my body'

Slamming his balled up fist into his palm, Izuku proudly smiled to himself although to everyone else on the bus he looked like a grinning madman.

"Uh Midoriya the heck are you doing?" Kaminari questioned trying and failing to conceal his laughter.

"U-uh s-sorry I just felt a little excited," Izuku sat back down in an attempt to hide his embarrassment

"Well that's to be expected you a big hero fanboy," Kirishima added 

"Yeah and it's pretty damn annoying hearing this nerd mutter on about it," Bakugo spat out venom in his voice.

'Yeah this is definitely something that I have to protect I'll make sure that no one dies'

Before Izuku could speak up, a sudden force struck against the bus flipping it forward into the air sending it crashing upside down.

"Is everyone ok!?" Aizawa questioned from the front of the bus getting several groans in response.

'Dammit what happened this is nothing like any of the other loops the attack was supposed to happen inside the USJ'

"Well, well, well, well isn't this a most intriguing development yes most intriguing indeed!!" An all to familiar voice cackled,

'What why now what's going on?'

Peaking out the cracked windshield, Izuku noticed a large unseen hand emerging out of Betelgeuse's back.

"Everybody get out now!!!" Quickly mustering all of the strength he could Izuku flicked his finger at the bus' side tearing it open.

It was almost a second after everyone had escaped that the massive unseen hand crushed the bus in an instant.

"What the hell just happened!?" Bakugo yelled picking himself up

"I was brought he by the person who holds so much of the witches love even more than a cardinal sin would have its lovely, its distasteful, its sickening!!" Betelgeuse rambled nibbling on his fingers.

'So those constant deaths have racked up them, I did die after that short loop with Beatrice and then the loop after that didn't last long so I guess my smell as gotten even worse'

"So the change in the loop is because of me," 

"Well nothing to do about it now I suppose I'll have to make up a plan for this situation," Izuku grinned clenching his right fist, biting back the pain from his broken finger.

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