Meddling When Your Not Needed

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(Back at it again with another chapter, finishing off the main bulk of the arc. There'll be one more chapter to serve as an aftermath but other than that we're done, it's been a lot of fun writing this arc, its definitely my favourite so far, so enjoy!)

Moving just beyond as brisk jog, they shifted positions narrowly avoiding the chunk of metal kicking down onto them, making it easier for themselves with a swipe of their katana earning a winced grunt from the pursuer.

They'd only cut through the metal however, so no blood had been extinguished just would in due time however, they were just a child; they couldn't hope to handle him alone.

With an enticing grin that slithered their incredibly long tongue out of the chambers of their throat...charging once more.

The alley became the perfect parkour grounds for him to bound off every single surface, they weren't particular fast, or strong for that matter; but their skills were something that just couldn't be matched by a singular foe.

As they flipped back, the pursuer attacked again. Steaming exiting every pore of their engines, thrusting them up in the air, right up to their level, preparing to release all of the energy they had stored and slam straight down into the Hero Killer.

Biting back at their gums, the fake hero tensed all the fibers in their legs condensing the overpowered calves to their absolute limits.

Opening their mouth, they spoke for the first time since the altercation had begun, "This is for my brother, the hero Ingenium!!!" 

Letting out a seemingly final battle cry, they pushed their leg downwards. Only for the attempted blow to be immiedietly be blocked, the blade starting to sink into their flesh, cutting into their skin with absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

"Your brother might have been a hero, but you certainly aren't! You're nothing but a fake!!" Stain growled, about to spin the blade about and carve straight through Iida's leg in one full swing.

He wouldn't allow it though, planting the one free foot he had. Iida fired up his engines somewhat and used that fuel to fire the Hero Killer back, landing both of them on the floor with only minimal wounds to the both of them.

Now facing over one another again, Iida stared Stain down as if they were in a standoff - only in this one a false step would mean death.

For either party involved.

"For what you did to my brother, I'm going to make sure I kill you!" Iida grunted, coughing a small amount of spit from throat, spitting it out onto the dank alley, he wasn't exactly tired just yet but it was safe to say he was starting to.

His chest was heaving, his throat was filled with an uncertain combination of blood and vomit and yet it still felt uncomfortably dry, as if knives were digging into the back of it.

Still, this was no time to turn back. Not when he was here, and had made it to the disgusting villain who had put an end to his brothers heroic career. What right did he have to do that? To pick and choose who wasn't a true hero? Why did he get to decide who's life he could put an end to.

If he wanted to decide that, then Iida would do the same, by fighting the monster who'd destroyed his brothers life and legs.

'I'll do it, and then I'll finally be able to take on the name Ingenium!!'

It was too late however, Stain was already raising the blood soaked blade up to his gangly tongue, ready to end the fight.

'Iida, come on Iida. I forget that I only found him once in these loops, so its a little difficult to remember where exactly he was...'

Todoroki was sliding not too far behind, forming ice in front of him and then quickly melting it behind him in perfect tandem with both of his quirks, sure he had to somewhat halt one side of it to properly fluctuate the ice and then let his fire out, but it was working well enough.

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