Clear Goal

370 14 18

(Are you surprised I'm writing another chapter? Cause I sure am, let's just get into it I hope you enjoy!)

 An intense aura was pretty much oozing off of Todoroki, his icy cold glare was locked onto him, Izuku was beginning to suspect why he'd even called him over here.

"So...." Izuku paused shifting his hands into his pockets, "Why'd you call me here, you must have had something to say."

He didn't mean to sound snippy, but Todoroki hadn't exactly set a good first impression so he was just returning the favour.

"Midoriya, ever since you first came to UA you've.....changed, not only has the shy demeanour you had at the beginning of the year disappeared, you're always on edge. Why is that?"

Izuku was a bit stunned from the abrupt question, he couldn't tell Todoroki the reason, he wouldn't believe him.

Or be able to understand him.

He instinctively clutched his chest, fearing she'd grasp at his heart once again.

"R-Really...I guess I realized that I have to stand up for myself, I am becoming a hero in training after all," Izuku lied, thanks to Return by Death or more so unluckily thanks to it. He'd become a very good one.

Todoroki usually stone cold face shifted for a second, Izuku only barely noticed it, "..With my reasoning it's because you've been hanging around with All Might."

'...So that's what he thinks, I'm just glad it's not a fortune telling quirk like Kacchan' Izuku mentally sighed.

"I don't think that's it, I hang out with All Might but I wouldn't have such a drastic change like that just because of him..."

"Then it must be because you killed someone?" Todoroki stated cutting him off.

Stopping himself from reeling his fist forward, Izuku took in a deep breath balling up his hand tightly.

"You don't....understand why I had to kill Petelgeuse Todoroki, he couldn't be stopped any other why so don't act like I did it completely out of malice I did it to save everyone because that's what a hero does!!" Izuku snapped.

"I apologize I went a little far...but that doesn't excuse your relationship with All Might."

'Is he seriously just going to forget what he said...'

"He's my teacher I think it makes sense that he'd be mentoring me..." Izuku deadpanned.

"Then tell me Midoriya..." Todoroki suddenly gave him a stern glare as if he was planning to off him right then and there, "...Are you All Might's secret love child?"


Having to stifle a laugh, Izuku glanced back at Todoroki with a much more calm look on his face, "No....of course not, he may have helped me out but we're not related in any way," He answered waving it off.

Still holding a suspicious glare, Todoroki seemed to believe him staring down at his own hand, "That's not good, I was thinking that I could use you as a way to get back at my old man, if you were his successor that I could really stick it to him..." Todoroki grimaced as he finished explaining.


"That's why you called me out here? Just so you could prove a point!?" Izuku exclaimed grabbing Todoroki's collar.

"You don't understand what he did to me, my mother....all I can remember about her is her crying face!!" Todoroki raised his voice for the first time pushing him away.

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