The Sports Festival

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(Oh geez I can't believe I'm actually writing on this story again, it's been a while hasn't it? For anyone who knows about this welcome back, I may update this occasionally but I felt the spur to write a chapter so I hope you enjoy, as stated in the last chapter I'll be going through the sports festival fairly quickly so I can get to Arc 2 of this story which will be the Hosu incident, enjoy!!)

"Sports festival? Betty doesn't wasn't to entertain the idea of watching such tripe in fact! A much better use of my time would be to read."

Izuku sulked at that, once more admiring the sheer size of the library, "But Beatrice you said you've been here for hundreds of years you must have read everything by then?" He questioned.

Beatrice's face briefly flushed for a second slamming her book shut to catch his attention, "Betty has not ready every book in fact! She reads mothers book very carefully and intuitively, don't mock me!"

"Sorry, sorry I wasn't trying to, but could you watch it? It'd mean a lot to me, plus you could see a lot of quirks in action that you could add to your forbidden library!!" Izuku explained enthusiastically earning a sigh from the twin-tailed girl.

"I-I-I suppose Betty can view it if she sneaks glances at the library's magic screens," She stammered finishing her sentence with a 'hmph'.

'...I really should teach her about technology at some point' 

"W-Well thanks Beatrice, you'll finally get to see my quirk in action!" Izuku grinned getting an annoyed glare returned from her.

She began clutching the black book she usually had open, whenever he'd walk in.

'....A gospel I saw it the last time I came here, but why does Beatrice have one is it just an addition to the library'

Deciding against asking the question, not wanting a repeat of getting shot out from the room from Beatrice's air blast.

"See yah later Beatrice.." He waved her off closing the door behind him.

'I may have said that to Beatrice but right am I supposed to get past this!?'

Izuku stood in the centre. Watching all the UA first years stumble through the tunnel ahead of them, it was the first obstacle of the course.

'UA really doesn't hold back does it..'

Bending his finger into a curve, Izuku could feel the power coursing through his index.

"That's the hero who apparently killed a villain..." A crowd member murmured.

"Really!? Why would UA let someone like that stay in their school?" Another added.

"Apparently there was no other way to detain him, the villain had a quirk that no one could see," One whispered from behind them.

'...I know UA had to make a statement on the attack at the USJ, but did they have to add so much detail'

A flare of annoyance and rage seethed throughout Izuku, '..Especially after I suffered so much just to save everyone'

Snapping himself out of his trance, Izuku realized he was lagging behind flicking his finger with hurriedness shooting above the bunched crowd.

'..It didn't break!? I flicked it without thinking, just like the times a punched that Nomu, after everything I've gained some kind of control!'

Bakugo couldn't help but growl at what he was watching, Izuku was currently zooming over the crowd his finger in a still connected state.

'Damnit not only does he have the fucking fortune quirk now he's able to use that one to!?'

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