Battle Training

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(Alright if I'm being honest I want to get this chapter out of the way, I won't half ass it I'll write as I normally do but it'll probably feel pretty repetitive I'll switch it up a bit having Deku strategize a lot more, also everyone can here the battle it just makes it better)

Walking into his classroom he was yet again met with an angry blonde glaring at him, averting his eyes he swiftly sat down.

'So we'll be doing hero training today I wonder who'll be teaching it maybe All M-'

"HEY DEKU!!" A bubbly voice called out to him slamming her hands down on his desk.

"A-ah U-U-Uraraka," He stammered in response a bit shaken by the sudden scream.

"It's finally last period huh, I've been sooo excited for this I wonder what we'll be doing!!" She chirped at this point talking to herself.

'I hope were not doing anything to intense today I'd hate to have to Return by death'

His face distorted in horror just thinking about it, he'd been planning to use it again to test out the power but had ultimately decided it wasn't worth it incase the checkpoint sent him back days prior.

"Yeah maybe we'll do some drills that heroes do," Izuku suggested 

"Yeahhhh but I kinda hope we haven't got Aizawa considering what happened yesterday having a class with him makes me a little nervous," The brunette sweat dropped.

The door suddenly slammed open revealing the number one hero sliding through it, "I'm coming through the door like a hero!!" All Might announced.

"Its All Might!!" Tsuyu exclaimed 

"And he's in is bronze age uniform!!" Ojiro added

"Indeed it is I All Might I'll be your teacher today where we'll be doing battle training!!"

"Oh yeah were fighting!!!" Bakugo grinned cracking his knuckles 

"But first if your going to be fighting like heroes than you have to look like them!!" All Might grinned as 20 suitcases appeared from the wall.

"Everyone go get get changed and then meet me at Ground Beta!!" He ordered watching the class sprint towards towards their cases and then out the room.

Izuku made sure to grab his before Bakugo could expecting the blonde to do something to it, as he made is way out of the classroom he was stopped by All Might standing in the door.

"Young Midoriya I have to warn you, even if I am your mentor that doesn't mean I'll treat like anyone else understand?"

"Of course I wouldn't expect you to All Might I'll make sure I won't let you down!!" Izuku exclaimed before rushing past him.

'I'm sure you won't young Midoriya'

Izuku stood at the end of tunnel that lead to Ground Beta quickly inspecting his costume, it looked very different to the original design he'd come up with, what used to be a full on imitation of All Might had changed into a sleek green and white costume that had gloves that ran up to his elbows along with a small white line running down and across the suit.

A metal respirator was attached around his chin which was connected to a green scraggily hood that was in the shape of bunny ears. His boot weren't to much different then any normal one only being reinforced by metal at the bottom for grip.

'Since I didn't want to just copy All Might I switched up my costume before school started'

"Where's Deku it shouldn't that long to change right?" Uraraka mumbled to herself

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