The Challenging Path Ahead: Arc 4 - Hellish Night In Hosu

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(Finally starting off this arc, most the hero names will be glossed over since it isn't too important but I will focus on Izuku with Gran Torino...there is something I want to do with it, so I hope you enjoy!!)

Izuku arrived to school as the rain poured heavily.

It almost felt perfect after the sports festival, guaranteed he'd now placed the event behind him, but that didn't matter the actions alongside it had gone away.

He'd been plagued by constant nightmares from Satella, wandering through his soul, constantly grasping onto her heart.

Safe to say, it had been an unsettling and arduous task to try and get some sleep.

"Good morning Midoriya!! You have to hurry to class!"

Izuku blinked, mentally ignoring the bright yellow poncho he was shamelessly wearing, "...Huh what? But class doesn't start for another five minutes, I've still got time.." Izuku quickly glanced at his phone.

'The first bell hasn't even rung yet..'

"Us UA students must always be punctual!" He responded through the deafening rain, Izuku heard him however, begrudgingly rushing over.

He couldn't help but feel concerned though, he'd heard the news. Iida's brother, the hero Ingenium had been attacked by the psychopathic Hero Killer.

Yet even despite that, Iida seemed fine, just like he always was.

"Hey Iida...." Izuku started before pausing just as quickly.

The class rep replied for him, "If it's about my brother then I assure you....I'm fine, there's no need for concern."

"Ah...right," Izuku held his tongue, not wanting to stir up anything else.

The greenette knew, after every Return by Death, all of the agonising losses. He knew when someone was suffering.

And Iida had the most pained expression he'd ever seen....apart from his own.

'I don't what to say....I feel like I'll just come off as insensitive'

Shrugging off, Izuku arrived to class only to see Aizawa slumped over on the side, another teacher, Midnight stood at the podium.


Izuku sheepishly scooted past the enthusiastic teacher making his way to his desk. As he sat down, he couldn't help but feel a pair of opposing eyes through his back.

It was Todoroki, he definitely wasn't glaring at him on purpose, but Izuku couldn't help but veer off into an array of thoughts of why he was staring at him.

'Crap...he's probably questioning how he got hit during our fight, I'd definitely be wondering how an invisible force hit me!!!'

He took another look at his hand, scrunching up his face struggling to make a decision.

'I'm already struggling to control One for All, I can handle 3% of it throughout my entire body or when I focus it on one body part...but how am I supposed to control Unseen Hand or even explain how I use it, especially considering the fact that it belongs to Petelguese...he tried to kill us a month ago!!'

Izuku hid his eyes with his hands, choosing to dwell on it at his own internship.


The class reacted by throwing their hands up into the air, clearly as excited as she was.

"That's right! You'll all be heading to your internships with the offers you got so make sure you pick the best one or else you'll be stuck with it!"

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