Burning Desire

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(Like I said, I'm trying to get through the Sports Festival while still following the story beats, next chapter will start off my version of The Hosu Arc and it'll be a long one, I'm planning to have several divergences, and this one will have an active theme so look forward to that)

Izuku's mind was lost to the darkness. He'd felt the same during his fight with Shinso, only now, he'd sunken even deeper.

Something had burst out of him in those final moments against Todoroki, while his limbs where unable to move flapping about behind him an indescribable force managed to attack his bi-haired opponent.

It hadn't been enough though, he'd succumb to his wounds and blacked out, enveloped by the icy blow.

A figure, no it was a witch. She was grasping onto his heart tightly, clutching his body affectionately.

Izuku weirdly didn't feel threatened. There was a sensation of fear running down his spine, but the cold feeling was overwhelmed from the freezing warmth Satella poured over him.

"My love...how did you feel about my gift!! I gave it to you, because your special and I love you so, so, so, so, so much!"

Yet again, Satella repeated herself clutching Izuku so tightly that he almost forgot how to breath, he was being suffocated by the witch, from her love.

"That was you.....what was it? Some force just....burst out of me."

"You said you'd keep them, I want you to be happy to be thankful so, so thankful. I gave you his Authority, I shared my love for you, my love, my love!!"

"Authority.....who's was it?" Izuku questioned somewhat disturbed for what the answer would be.

"The Authority belonged to Sloth, don't worry though I'd never leave you, he was just a mere puppet, do you not remember I stopped him from daring to enter your pure soul, that is mine, only mine, only mine, only mine!!!"

Izuku deadpanned blankly, he appreciated the answer the repetitive nature of how she talked was starting to get to him.

'Don't anger the women clutching onto your heart, don't do it'

"Sloth- you mean Petelgeuse, that was his Unseen Hand!!" Izuku swallowed the lump in his throat, his mind was racing at a dangerous speed spanning off into multiple tangents at once.

'I have Petelgeuse's power....I watched him kill so many of my friends, All Might. I could've done that to Todoroki!!'

Satella didn't pay it any mind, stroking his cheek with as much sincerity as she could show, "You're waking up now, are time is being ripped away from us. But I'll see you again I love you, I love you!"

Izuku decided to wave her off, not knowing how else to respond to what she was saying. The purple coated witch didn't mind, getting smaller and smaller as his vision darkened.

When he'd finally woken up, Izuku was hit by a blinding light forcing him to shut them immediately.

"Uhhhhhhh....my whole body is aching..." Izuku groaned.

"Your finally awake young Midoriya, it's good to see you in good spirits," A voice that Izuku knew all too well rung in his ears.

With what little semblance of energy he had, Izuku raised his head from the cushioned pillows meeting eyes with the skeletal figure.

"Hi All Might....I'd take it I lost to Todoroki, have the matches still gone on?" Izuku guessed observing his wrapped up arms, he wondered how wounded they were.

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