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(Another chapter yayyy, honestly I'm sorry if this and the next chapter feel a bit lazy, I just really want to get to what I'm planning with the USJ arc) 

Izuku tucked in his shoes, seconds away from opening the door before he was stopped by a tap on his shoulder.

"Izuku you've made sure you have everything right you didn't just pack action figures?" His mum asked anxiously.

He slightly chuckled at the comment slinging his bag over his shoulder, "No mum I've made sure it's all in here, I need to get going or I'll miss the train,"

"Wait one more thing...," Izuku turned to meet her gaze, "Your really cool Izuku!!" She gleamed giving him a bright smile as he opened the door.

'Atleast I can be certain that I won't have to use Return by death at school'

He was brought out of his thoughts by a sudden car speeding past him almost running him over, "Hey kid you gotta watch where your- hey its you from the sludge villain incident!!" Death arms shrieked dramatically pointing at him.

'Ok this isn't how my starting point as a hero was supposed to go'

"Y-yeah t-that's me," Izuku nervously chuckled rubbing the back of his neck

"Your insane to go and pull a stunt like that don't go thinking just because it went well that you can do it again!!" The hero scolded.

'I get where he's coming from but to me it just seems like he's mad that I did more then he did'

"Y-yes sir I understand but if you'll excuse me I have to get to school," Izuku immediately darted forward heading straight for the train station.

Once he had boarded he could feel eyes all over him, people whispering to each other just out of his ear range.

"That's the kid who run out to save the person who was being held hostage by the sludge villain,"

"Yeah not to mention he managed to come up with a plan better than what the pros could,"

He may not have known he needed it, but the whispers and murmurs that were singing his praises seemed to give Izuku a confidence boost.

'Yeah I don't need to worry today's gonna be great!!'

And of course, there arguing across from him had to be his childhood friend now tormentor and the same blue haired boy who'd accused him of trying to sabotage people's attempts at getting into UA.

'What did I expect I have a power called Return by death' The greenette's face wrinkled in frustration.

"It's him," A voice spoke up bringing the entire room's gaze turned to match his 

Ignoring the obvious death glare Bakugo was no doubt giving him, Izuku glanced around the classroom noticing an abundance of faces that stood out.

'Quick think of something to say'

"Y-yo," Izuku stammered giving a shaky smile only to be met by dead silence

'Well fu-'

"Oh I know that curly hair it's falling boy!!" A bubbly voice chirped behind him

"U-Uraraka your in this class to!!" Izuku exclaimed trying his best not to sound too excited

"Yeah this year is gonna be great, what do you think were gonna do at orientation?" Uraraka questioned her hands shaking up and down.

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