Suspicion: Arc 3 - Dreams And Declarations.

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(I won't lie we'll be smoothly moving through the Sports Festival arc since if I'm being honest there's much I can change about it, however if you wait for the Izuku vs Todoroki fight I do have something very big planned for it, but I'm )

Gripping hold of the doorknob he slowly turned it before swinging it open, "Afternoon Beatrice!!" Izuku exclaimed raising his hands as a greeting.

"Oh it's just you again I suppose why do you insist on visiting Betty nearly every day," Beatrice questioned even if her the expression on her face didn't match her words.

'Yeah even though you asked me to visit you but hey that was two loops ago so sure it doesn't bother me not at all'

Izuku had made sure to uphold on the promise he'd made with Beatrice in the first loop he met her even if she seemed to show disgust to him showing up.

"Well I just thought that you might get lonely stuck in here never being able to leave so I thought I'd keep you company,"

"It seems you've have your thoughts mixed up on Betty situation in fact," Beatrice interrupted his constant muttering.

"Eh wait does that mean your not stuck here then!?" Izuku exclaimed once more scratching his head in confusion.

"Yes that would be true,"

"Wait so why don't you just leave then explore the outside I know your from a different world but surely you could learn some things from our one," Izuku raised his voice practically shouting now.

"W-well Betty made a promise with her mother in fact where she would look after the Forbidden Library and all of her knowledge," Beatrice explained her eye shifting as if they were in pain.

"O-o-oh sorry then I didn't mean to be rude I was just confused as to why you stay in here for 400 years,"

'Speaking of which...'

"Hey Beatrice you know when you said you were a great spirit of the Forbidden Library," Izuku reminisced

"As much as Betty would like to forget our first meeting yes I do remember,"

"Well what exactly does that mean usually in RPG's or books spirits are creatures who usually form contracts or guide adventures," Izuku pointed out.

"Well in Betty's world spirits can form contracts as Betty did with mother and lesser spirits usually help travellers who are spirit users I suppose,"

'Wait so does that mean me and Beatrice could form a contract'

"Wait does that mean me and Beatrice could form a contract," Izuku inadvertently blurted out

"What an insolent thing to say to a spirit you've only known for a couple of days in fact, Betty wouldn't form a contract with a lowly human like yourself is that all you've been coming to the Forbidden Library for!!" Beatrice snapped as a sharp wind coursed around the room sending some books flying off the shelves.

"W-w-wait what n-no I just thought it was cool I didn't come here to form any kind of contract with you I found this place by accident remember!!" Izuku tried to explain himself only for the wind to grow stronger.

"It's too late for excuses now you've upset Betty in fact so get out!!" Beatrice ordered raised her arm as a powerful gust of wind thrusted Izuku out of the Library landing on his face.

"Ah I didn't think she'd get that mad guess I should've kept my mouth shut," Izuku murmured to himself.

Izuku picked himself up about to exit the library when he felt a big hand grab hold of his shoulder.

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