Battle With The Bowel Hunter

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(Excited to write this chapter, Elsa being in the my hero universe was one of the reasons this story was conceived so I hope you enjoy)

It had been a while since he'd been enveloped in that blinding white light. Suffocating was a word that couldn't reach the cusp of describing the sensation.

That was most likely the cause of why he always returned gasping for air, he didn't know why the supernatural force bestowed on him by the witch acted how it did, but he'd just have to deal with it.

A rushing surge of whiplash practically smacked Izuku in the face, reeling him over the chair he was sat in.

His stomach felt like a phantom, in the sense that the feeling of it being slashed open was still there.

The cut was so fresh that the vigorous amount pain he'd experienced was giving him that perception over his split apart gut.

'N-No its not there, I shouldn't worry about it....I died but the pain doesn't stay afterwards, I don't have to worry..'

'..Yet at least'

"You alright youngin'? Your looking a little spooked, like you've seen a ghost.." Gran Torino questioned.

Freezing up a the question, Izuku tried his best to stay calm, "Y-Yeah I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom I'll be back in a bit.."

He did just that, splashing the water over himself staring down his rugged expression through the mirror, he really did look he'd seen a ghost.

It was more like he was the ghost himself.

'Who was that? It was a woman, I know that but she was so fast that I could barely even register her presence...'

'And those knives, I've never seen them shaped like that....whoever they are, there fast, strong and definitely dangerous..'

As he smacked himself in the face, Izuku readjusted his thoughts making sure he didn't look as riled up as he did before hand.

Walking down the train car back to his seat felt as if it would take an eternity, Izuku wasn't even sure that he wanted to sit back down and start the seemingly endless nightmares.

Nevertheless, he would have to endure it all...and find the right loop through it.

In a moment that seemed like it would last forever, the clean design of the train was decimated within minutes leaving a monstrous sized hole in its wake.

Those fearful creatures, in which their hellish creatures designed straight from the depths emerged from beyond the torn metal, pulling it back even further.

This Nomu was much lankier in comparison to the one Izuku had faced multiple times at the USJ, but its strength and several quirks was still nothing to scoff at.

Izuku didn't bother to dwell on it for long, ignoring his own building fear. He knew Gran Torino would use his quirk to step in and stop it.

'I have to focus on that women, she's like a shadow I'll barely even notice her again if I don't pay attention...'

Just as predicted, the caped hero fly-kicked the wailing beast, uppercutting it away from the train and into the buildings below.

"You stay here, if you leave that car you'll die!!" Gran Torino warned, his voice growing dimmer by the second.

'That's a bit ironic...since I didn't even get out of the train before being skewered...'

Staying smart, Izuku did actually make sure to stay inside the train kicking up the roof of the train making his way up top.

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