Chapter 25) Orange Sunset

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Artist: Official Artwork from the game

The first week's Friday of the Garland Moon had approached. Despite all that had happened, Petra and Caspar had still attended their lessons. In being seated beside one another, the aura around them had grown awkward. Regardless of their environment, they had both wanted to learn from their teacher. Still though, both Petra and Caspar had made a subconscious effort to ignore each other without realisation.

"Okay, class, later this week I will be booking some battalions for our class' most elite students to use. Whilst I expect everyone to slowly grow into commanding their own platoon, that will come in due time." As Byleth said this, many in the class had looked towards their house leader, expecting that she would be given the task at hand. "I will be ordering two battalions for this month's mission. As such, I have already picked Edelgard to command one of them, and the other is yet to be decided."

From the faces given by each of the students, Beleth could easily tell who had wanted the opportunity, and who had resented. It was obvious from a simple glance that Hubert, Caspar, Petra, and Ferdinand were readily motivated to work hard for this opportunity. Judging from how Dorothea reacted, Beleth assumed she was the student who would not mind if they were responsible for such a task. Finally, Bernadetta and Linhardt had already looked away from Byleth, which was a clear sign they dreaded this eventuality.

"Just in case," Beleth interrupted her brother. "Does anyone fully know what a battalion is?" A few had raised their hands, however Beleth decided to pick on someone who had not. "Dorothea, what do you think battalions are?"

Byleth had not liked being objected to in the middle of his lecture, however he let the class continue. Seeing how Beleth carried her cheerful aura, he decided to let her take over for a small amount of time.

"Well... aren't they just a handful of mercenaries we command?" The nod from Beleth had hinted that Dorothea needed to answer with more details. "Well, I mean, they basically help us in battle. If I recall, they're like a group of soldiers that fight alongside us as a group, I think..."

"That is correct," Byleth answered. He began to walk towards the centre of the desk. Whenever he behaved this way, everyone knew he was geared to tell something important to the class. "Our monthly missions can be unpredictable. As much as the Church tries to gather intel for us beforehand, history has proved that not all of our assignments are truly safe for a class of students to tackle.

"Battalions are voluntary groups that help in times of urgency. As Dorothea stated, their company allows for a simulation of a mercenary lifestyle, allowing you all to gain authority and leadership skills when commanding them. They are there to assist in times of need, and have strong ties to the Church. Every month or so, they are able to work with us in order to help us complete our missions.

"Depending on who I see fit, I will assign different battalions that correspond to your nature. For now, I have booked for the usage of two attack-styled battalions."

Battalions had sounded far more valuable than they had originally seemed. As the class thought more about the idea, some of the students had begun looking forward to the idea of commanding their own fleet.

"With that settled," Beleth gleaned. "I think you're safe to continue the lecture, Brother!"

Byleth looked towards his sister, and carried out as she suggested. It was clear that the siblings had both accounted for one another's weaknesses, and as such, they were an unstoppable force of education. As Byleth took out a chalk to scrape along the board, he looked onto the class with the expectation of them getting out their notebooks.

"As with yesterday, we will go through our last theoretical construction to look into before announcing what is to come in a few weeks." As a few of the students had groaned, Byleth ignored this and carried forward his lecture. "This is our most complicated one so far, unfortunately. As such, I want anyone who has further questions to quiz Sister on it if you are confused."

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