Chapter 43) Not a Wager; but a Deal

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Artist: @seaflurries on Twitter

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Artist: @seaflurries on Twitter

Rhea was disappointed. Her priorities had been sent in disarray. Looking beside her, she noticed Seteth displaying an irritated expression. In an attempt to take it in stride, she acknowledged whatever she could of the information given.

"Thank you, Shamir."

"Not the answer I would have wanted either, believe me," she said, shrugging. "But even when asking those in the Western Church about their involvement with Lonato, I got very little."

"And what of the Rite of Rebirth and their involvement with it?" Rhea asked, still hoping to salvage any good news.

"Anyone I questioned only got as far as telling me the names of those involved in Lonato's rebelion. You'd think that would help provide more clues, but every suspect we were able to catch onto had gone MIA when we began to look for them. I talked with Catherine to see if we could spread our defences across a wider area to help find them, but that would mean a lesser barrier protecting the monastery."

"So we would be trading our defences at the expense of ending this mess sooner, then?" Seteth joined in, figuring out what Shamir had been hinting towards.

"More-or-less, yeah."

Rhea sighed. As much as she wanted to end all that was threatening her peace of mind, she knew bigger priorities were at stake. "In the event they invade and pass through our weakened defences, that would mean the students would be more at risk. Even if we don't spread out the knights, that helps us appear dominant to the enemy."

"So my request is being rejected, then?"

"Yes," Rhea answered, bluntly.

"Fair enough." Shamir shrugged, unamused. "I suppose it was a predictable outcome. Just request for me if you need anything else, then."

"I'll be sure to do that. Until then, you are dismissed."

Shamir had taken her leave. Byleth had been watching this scenario unfold. He had been asked by Edelgard and Linhardt to request a visit to the Holy Mausoleum. Rhea had not minded his gaze over the situation, leading Byleth to assume she had wanted him to know this information beforehand as well.

"The Western Church," he asked. "They are our enemies?"

"They're a sector of the Goddess' teachings who differ in ideals from us. Their tactics have always been illicit, and much of their behaviour has often been hostile towards the Central Church."

"I see..."

At this point, Sothis popped up, looking at Rhea with as much intimidation as she could muster. "So the church is not wholly connected? I did not think they were so disjointed till now, but I suppose it could explain how Lonato was able to garner such quick support during last month's incident."

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