Chapter 64) Noblest of Nobles

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During the average school day, there was the lunch break. During that lunch break, a myriad of conversations would take place. In the very lunch where Ashe had the unfortunate meeting with Sylvain, there was another interesting conversation also taking place around the same time.

Bernadetta was there. She was scared. It was not everyday that she ventured out to the lunch hall, especially when it was so crowded. She usually waited for the hordes of students to leave before getting her own food, but Dorothea had insisted on it today. In not wanting to break her friend's promise, she had reluctantly agreed to venturing out for herself on just this one occasion.

Still, the crowd ahead of her had already queued up in an orderly fashion. This cluster of people was hard for Bernadetta to process all at once.

Where am I even meant to line up? How does this queue even work? Do these people even want the food they're serving?

These very thoughts popped in Bernadetta's head constantly.

She looked around. Beleth was in front. She got her tray plated up with ease, then left. Bernadetta tried calling out to her - but another voice beat her to it. The professor had then already scurried off, now talking and happily engaging with a trio of Blue Lions students.

It was just Bernadetta's luck that Ashe had called out to her in this moment. Now, she was too scared to even ask Beleth for help. She turned around and sighed. The best option for her would now be to wait for everyone to go themselves, but she also knew Dorothea wouldn't be too pleased with her lateness. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Bernadetta, are you alright?" A voice called out to her. It was a familiar one. "Forgive me for a haphazard guess, but your expression tells me that you are upset?"

Well, he wasn't wrong. She turned around to Ferdinand. He had already gotten his own food, but his desire to eat did not stop him from checking up on her.

"I- Sorry, Ferdinand," Bernadetta responded, realising she was making him miss out on his valued time.

"What is there to apologise for?" He asked. He then saw the crowd beyond her, then slowly pieced the puzzle for himself. "Ah, I see. It seems daunting, does it not?"

"It's more than just 'daunting'. It's scary..."

Ferdinand nodded for a moment. Having now understood her situation, he knew what it was that needed doing. He gestured for Bernadetta to put her hand out. She was confused, but she listened.

"There you go," he said, now passing his tray of food to her. "I picked up all of the essential goods for today, but I also learned from our picnic that you enjoy a sweet treat, correct? When I get my own rations, I shall pick one up for you to make up for what your current meal lacks."

She was astonished. She looked at the tray, then panicked.

"Ferdinand, this is too much-"

"Do not worry," he responded. "I know a way you can pay me back."

"Is this- Is this blackmail?" Now Bernadetta was really panicking. Ferdinand simply sighed momentarily before chuckling her worries away.

"No, no, nothing like that. I only ask that you arrive early tomorrow. I will show you a trick I developed in getting food efficiently in this vast traffic of the lunch hall. Hopefully then, you will no longer have any troubles here at all!"

It was a reasonable request. Actually, it wasn't just reasonable. It was an incredibly considerate favour. Bernadetta was beyond grateful. Nodding her head feverishly, she thanked her classmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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