Chapter 54) Breaking Bridges & Forming Friendships

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Shez was still sceptical, despite being reluctantly convinced to meet Rhea. She was also displeased to be making an awkward reunion with Jeralt again. As for Arval, he was the most unhappy to be strung along wherever trouble his host was getting him into.

As the two followed after Jeralt, she felt a leaking sense of embarrassment take over. She had deserted him a while ago. Now, she had made a chance encounter again, and the very worst part of it all was that she was sure he remembered her. They continued, and finally Jeralt made some small-talk.

"Thanks for your help again, Kid. I mean it."

"No problem."


Yeah, this was awkward. Shez had no way to give a meaningful reply. She could talk about Jeralt's daughter and how he helped her, but he was also the one wanting to fight and kill his son as well. She thought it rude to favour one sibling and want revenge on the other. Well, it's not like anyone else thought she was normal, anyway.

Jeralt stopped walking whilst they were in thought. He did it right before the massive door could be opened in the underground hallway. His face grew slightly dark now. Shez stopped, now fully startled.

"Before we go in, I need to know something. Answer this, and only answer to me. Don't tell anyone else the words that come out of your mouth from this question." He was serious. Shez nodded, but felt unnerved by his change of tone. "That second sword of yours in our fight - even now, you don't carry it with you. How did you bring it out?"

Crap, he was studious. Well, telling him would have accomplished not much in the grand scheme of things. Not even she or Arval could figure out the schematics of their circumstance. The only issue was that it was information that singled Shez out. Should she say her words to the wrong person, she would be made an easy target for those looking for rare bounties to display.

At the very least, though, Jeralt seemed alright. He wanted her to speak to him in confidentiality, so it seemed he meant no harm to her well-being. If he was not comfortable asking this while they were out in public view, then it made sense that he knew how to keep a secret.

"It's a rare power of mine. All I know is that I'm special, but my second sword isn't a fully materialised object. It just pops out when I need it to."

"And what about your insane speed? You were able to warp around in our last fight. I didn't see all of it, but I know for a fact that it's how you were able to throw that woman onto the festival streets before I could join in to assist you."

"That's... another rare power of mine. It's complicated. I'm not sure there's much else to talk about when it comes to my abilities. They just awakened one day, and since then I've tried my best to keep using them"

Jeralt was stunned, but silent. In reality, she could have talked about Arval and the day she awakened her abilities during her first battle with Byleth, but that was of little consequence. She knew Jeralt was accepting. He would do little to pry longer. He knew as well as she did that any more questions would only sour their relationship, so he kept silent. Maybe it was because the two of them had both been mercenaries, but they both knew when it was they should stop prying into one another. Shez was grateful for it.

"Kid, don't reveal your hand to the people here. Especially with Rhea - don't you dare go doing anything crazy here. Keep your secrets either to yourself or with me, but no one else."

"What about your children?"

"You already want to kill one of them, so what does it matter? Just be aware of the people here is all I'm asking."

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